Listen as your teacher reads the sentences aloud. Notice the words in blue.
- If you have a problem, you might really need help.
- Most programs in our school don’t cost much money.
- I still like to play those games even though I’m too old.
- She stated that the box with the bow was well made.
- What would you like to do more than anything else?
- That student started to take some classes here.
- Should I put these three boxes in the very small room?
- She says something on one of the other two desks will work.
- Their brother wants to see when your game is over.
- Why did they show us the same movie while we waited?
- Then, the woman who lives next door started to walk into the house.
- They own such a new sound system.
- This thing is used for cooking or writing.
- It is time to turn in your homework for the week.
- In which year were you born?
- I questioned them about where they work.
- Can you tell me the way to get downtown?
- Try to be careful when you go up the stairs.
- So many people in the world are poor.
- Let’s talk about what we think.
- There seems to be no right answer to the problem.
Now, practice by reading the sentences aloud to your partner.

Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.