Vocabulary List

Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleA soccer field is about two acres big.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleIt really annoys me when you make that sound. Please stop it.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleMay I please have your attention? I need to tell you something important.
Wordback up
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleI'll tell our boss we're not happy, but you have to back me up.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe government has banned that product. If you want it, you have to buy it on the Internet from another country.
Wordcarbon dioxide
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleOur bodies breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen.
Part of SpeechNoun / Verb
ExampleI need to charge my phone.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleScientists are certain climate change has already started.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt isn't a simple problem. It's quite complex actually.
Worddepend on
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleMost people in the city depend on public transportation to go places.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThere was a typhoon in the city last week, but it wasn't very destructive. There wasn't much damage.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleI was disappointed by the news that my favourite team lost the game.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe decision didn't have an effect on me. Nothing changed in my life.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleYou really embarrassed me when you told Julie about my pajamas.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThere are many environmental problems we need to fix.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe police are looking for evidence to figure out what happened.
Part of SpeechAdjective
Example I'm exhausted. I've had such a busy day.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleSome people disagree whether global warming is a fact or not.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleWe were very fortunate to have nice weather on our wedding day.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI felt really frustrated in class because I couldn’t understand.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleMost cars have a gasoline-powered engine.
Wordget around
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleHow would you get around if you sold your car?
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe problem isn't just in our country. It's global.
Wordglobal warming
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleGlobal warming has been increasing temperatures around the world.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleA hybrid car runs on both gasoline and electricity.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleGlobal warming is an issue that we need to take seriously.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThere is no justification for what you did. Stop making excuses.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThis recycling container is for all organic waste.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleAll plants need oxygen, sunlight, and water to grow.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleWhy aren't you listening? You should pay attention to the teacher if you want to pass the test!
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExamplePerhaps you should take the day off and get some sleep. You look pretty tired.
[a tree, flowers, etc.]
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleI'm going to plant some flowers in the garden.
Wordplug in
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleCould you please plug this cable in for me?
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe factory has gotten into trouble for polluting the lake with its waste.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThere are many ways to reduce pollution. One way is to ride a bicycle instead of using a car.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe store sells only locally-produced clothing.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleYou are not in danger. I will protect you.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe Amazon rainforest in South America is the biggest in the world.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe country is fortunate to be rich in natural resources, like water and oil.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThat's not garbage. It's reusable. We just have to wash it.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleI am the owner of the company, but I do not run it. The manager does.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleSome cars run on electricity.
Wordrun out (of)
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleWe're running out of gas. We should get some more soon.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI am a scientist. My opinion is not important. I only care about evidence.
Part of SpeechAdjective / Verb
ExampleMatt and Joanna are always together. It's almost impossible to separate them.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt was shocking to see Brazil lose in the World Cup.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleMy watch runs on solar power.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI don't have a job. My parents are the only source of money I have.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe rules about recycling in my city are very strict.
Part of SpeechNoun / Verb
ExampleThe town has only a small supply of fresh water.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt's traditional where I live to take off your shoes when entering the house.
Part of SpeechAdjective / Adverb
ExampleSome places are fortunate to have natural sources of heat from underground.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExamplePlease don't unplug my laptop. It needs to charge.
Worduse up
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleI've used up all my energy for today. I need to go to bed.
Part of SpeechNoun / Adjective
ExampleDo you eat meat, or are you a vegetarian?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleSmoke is coming out of the volcano. We should run!
Part of SpeechNoun / Verb
ExamplePlease put all your waste in the garbage can.
  Word Part of Speech Example
acre Noun A soccer field is about two acres big.
annoy Verb It really annoys me when you make that sound. Please stop it.
attention Noun May I please have your attention? I need to tell you something important.
back up
Phrasal Verb I'll tell our boss we're not happy, but you have to back me up.
ban Verb The government has banned that product. If you want it, you have to buy it on the Internet from another country.
carbon dioxide Noun Our bodies breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen.
Noun / Verb I need to charge my phone.
climate Noun Scientists are certain climate change has already started.
complex Adjective It isn't a simple problem. It's quite complex actually.
depend on Phrasal Verb Most people in the city depend on public transportation to go places.
destructive Adjective There was a typhoon in the city last week, but it wasn't very destructive. There wasn't much damage.
disappoint Verb I was disappointed by the news that my favourite team lost the game.
effect Noun The decision didn't have an effect on me. Nothing changed in my life.
embarrass Verb You really embarrassed me when you told Julie about my pajamas.
environmental Adjective There are many environmental problems we need to fix.
evidence Noun The police are looking for evidence to figure out what happened.
exhausted Adjective  I'm exhausted. I've had such a busy day.
fact Noun Some people disagree whether global warming is a fact or not.
fortunate Adjective We were very fortunate to have nice weather on our wedding day.
frustrated Adjective I felt really frustrated in class because I couldn’t understand.
gasoline Noun Most cars have a gasoline-powered engine.
get around Phrasal Verb How would you get around if you sold your car?
global Adjective The problem isn't just in our country. It's global.
global warming Noun Global warming has been increasing temperatures around the world.
hybrid Noun A hybrid car runs on both gasoline and electricity.
issue Noun Global warming is an issue that we need to take seriously.
justification Noun There is no justification for what you did. Stop making excuses.
organic Adjective This recycling container is for all organic waste.
oxygen Noun All plants need oxygen, sunlight, and water to grow.
Verb Why aren't you listening? You should pay attention to the teacher if you want to pass the test!
perhaps Adverb Perhaps you should take the day off and get some sleep. You look pretty tired.
[a tree, flowers, etc.]
Verb I'm going to plant some flowers in the garden.
plug in Phrasal Verb Could you please plug this cable in for me?
pollute Verb The factory has gotten into trouble for polluting the lake with its waste.
pollution Noun There are many ways to reduce pollution. One way is to ride a bicycle instead of using a car.
produce Verb The store sells only locally-produced clothing.
protect Verb You are not in danger. I will protect you.
rainforest Noun The Amazon rainforest in South America is the biggest in the world.
resource Noun The country is fortunate to be rich in natural resources, like water and oil.
reusable Adjective That's not garbage. It's reusable. We just have to wash it.
Verb I am the owner of the company, but I do not run it. The manager does.
Verb Some cars run on electricity.
run out (of) Phrasal Verb We're running out of gas. We should get some more soon.
scientist Noun I am a scientist. My opinion is not important. I only care about evidence.
separate Adjective / Verb Matt and Joanna are always together. It's almost impossible to separate them.
shocking Adjective It was shocking to see Brazil lose in the World Cup.
solar Adjective My watch runs on solar power.
source Noun I don't have a job. My parents are the only source of money I have.
strict Adjective The rules about recycling in my city are very strict.
supply Noun / Verb The town has only a small supply of fresh water.
traditional Adjective It's traditional where I live to take off your shoes when entering the house.
underground Adjective / Adverb Some places are fortunate to have natural sources of heat from underground.
unplug Verb Please don't unplug my laptop. It needs to charge.
use up Phrasal Verb I've used up all my energy for today. I need to go to bed.
vegetarian Noun / Adjective Do you eat meat, or are you a vegetarian?
volcano Noun Smoke is coming out of the volcano. We should run!
waste Noun / Verb Please put all your waste in the garbage can.