
Although we often see animals and plants living together in the natural world, they are often each other's enemies! Many animals depend on plants for food and many plants don't want to be eaten. Some plants have evolved a collection of impressive defenses to protect themselves against unwanted animal attention.


The raspberry plant has sharp thorns on its stem. Any animals considering eating this plant as a snack would be wise to think again. Food is usually not as tasty when it hurts going down the throat! Many different plants use this technique to defend themselves.


The geranium plant is a favourite food of the Japanese beetle. But it has its own weapons of protection. The geranium produces a special chemical inside its petals. When the beetles eat them, they become paralyzed within 30 minutes. If they are unlucky, the beetles will get eaten by a predator during this time. If they are lucky and survive, they won't forget the geranium and will remember to stay away next time!

There are also many carnivorous plants. These plants lure insects to them with bright colours and sweet nectar. This plant, the sundew, has balls of sweet syrup that insects want to eat. Unfortunately for the insects, these droplets are also extremely sticky. Any insects that come to rest on the sundew will find themselves stuck and absorbed by this devious plant.


But many plants and animals also work together to help each other. Most plants need animals to help them pollinate. Pollination is the process in which plants are fertilized. Without this process, they would not be able to make seeds and reproduce. Plants rely on insects like bees to spread their pollen.


Other plants and animals also have relationships that are mutually beneficial. When plants need to spread their seeds, many of them have colourful and sweet fruits that are irresistible to passing animals. The animals eat these delicious treats.


But the relationship works both ways. The animals help the plants by spreading the seeds in the fruit. After animals digest their food, their poo contains all the seeds inside. This way, the new plants can grow safely away from the parent plant.


It is the relationship between plants and animals that has helped sustain many of the ecosystems on our planet. When a part of that ecosystem is out of balance, everything inside is threatened. Plants and animals rely on each other, and all of them rely on humans to take care of the planet!


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