
To most humans, plants are small and harmless. They don't have teeth, they can't run, they're just plants stuck in the soil! But did you know that there are some plants on Earth that are highly toxic and can harm or even kill humans?


Some plants are so poisonous that humans only have to touch their surfaces and they can feel the effects. The manchineel tree can be found throughout Central America and the Caribbean. Just standing near the tree and inhaling its dust or being splashed by its runoff in the rain can cause immediate rash and itching. If you make the mistake of touching the tree or eating one of its fruits, you may find your whole body swelling up!


Other plants are poisonous to humans who eat them. This plant is called the deadly nightshade. Even the name sounds evil! This plant has sweet, ripe berries that are tempting to children. But eating as few as two berries can kill a child, and eating 10 to 20 berries can kill an adult! The berries affect muscles like the heart and can paralyze them.


The deadly nightshade affects humans but most animals are immune to its effects. This plant, the oleander, is toxic for both animals and humans! Animals in the wild avoid it, so humans often grow these flowers as barriers to keep animals from crossing into their gardens.


The oleander plant is deadly to most humans and animals. Ingesting a single leaf can cause severe vomiting and, especially for children, death. The oleander's poison is so strong that humans have been known to feel the effects of the poison just from eating honey produced by bees that have digested oleander nectar! The oleander plant is widely recognised to be the most dangerous plant in the world.


We don't think about animals moving and attacking humans, but sometimes that's just what it feels like. There are several species of stinging trees in Australia that can be the worst enemy of hikers and campers. These plants are covered with thin, hollow hairs coated with a toxin. When a body brushes past, these hairs become embedded in the skin.


The effect is just like a sting from an insect. The toxins on the hairs of the stinging trees are released into the body and cause a lot of pain. Many people report feeling pain from the stings even months after the incident occured.


It's hard to believe these plants are all out there! Unlike animal predators, these dangers can be hard to spot. When they're not coming at us with sharp teeth and claws, it can be easy to forget how deadly they are!


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