A good / great deal of
Part Of SpeechQuantifier
ExampleThere is a great deal of work left to be done.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThat clock is not very accurate. You shouldn’t trust it.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI need to check my agenda before I accept the invitation.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI have set up my computer to send me an alert when I receive a new email.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleIn my budget, I have allotted two hundred dollars a week for food and entertainment.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleShe doesn’t seem to have many ambitions. Actually, she is quite boring.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe student beside me aspires to be a teacher one day.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleBlue-collar workers generally make less money than white-collar ones.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThis is not the main office of the company. It’s just the regional branch.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleMy wife busted me when she caught me eating ice cream before dinner.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleEven though this road is empty right now, it is full Monday to Friday during the morning and evening commutes.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe employee met with her boss to discuss an increase in compensation.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThis region of the city contains mostly corporate offices.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleAlthough he has a degree, it is not from a very credible school.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe dedicated activity coordinator is always looking for interesting things to do with the students.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleDiapers are one really expensive aspect of having children.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI was surprised by the lack of wheelchair-friendly sidewalks in that city. Handicapped people are not treated with dignity there.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe noise of the construction workers is such a distraction.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleDue to the recent economic problems, the company was forced to downsize.
Earn a living
Part Of SpeechPhrase
ExampleIt is difficult to earn a living making only $8 an hour.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleMost employees of Google live in USA.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleAramco is the largest employer in Saudi Arabia.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy sister is a real entrepreneur. She has never had an employer and has always worked for herself.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleI am tired of being told what to do in this company. I want to become an executive.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI have an extensive history of injuries.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThat new sports car can travel at extreme speeds.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleClimbing Mt. Everest is a feat I would like to accomplish one day.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy brother works for a small accounting firm.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy apartment is very noisy as there is a large gap between the door and the floor. I can hear everything in the hallway.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleEven though it looked fake, she insisted that her bag was really a Louis Vuitton.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleI think the walls are interfering with the wireless Internet signal.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExamplePlease turn off your cell phones. I do not want anything to interrupt our class today.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe entrepreneur is looking for people to invest in her company.
Labourer (US – Laborer)
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe carpenter employs three labourers in his company.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThat city really lacks character. It seemed really boring to me.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleCould you help me lift this table?
Minority group
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExamplePoliticians need to get votes from minority groups if they want to win elections.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleSome people are really afraid of needles.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleEngland is famous for producing several noteworthy musicians.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe security personnel all wear jackets with yellow lettering.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI presented my company’s proposal to the CEO.
Raise (Salary)
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI asked my employer for a raise, but she refused.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleYou will find the prices at that restaurant quite reasonable. That’s why I always go there.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleCould you make an appointment to meet with my receptionist?
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe regional manager of the bank is on holiday for two weeks.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI didn’t find what she had to say very relevant to the subject of the meeting.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleDoctors must find their jobs extremely rewarding as they are always helping people.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleStudents who do well in their studies are able to receive scholarships.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleIt is best not to accept stereotypes and find out the truth for yourself.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleI submitted an application to work at that coffee shop yesterday.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleEveryone except John has worked in this company for several years. John has only been here for a few days. He’s a temp.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe taxi driver threatened to kick me out of the car if I didn’t stop eating my lunch.
To Crunch Numbers
Part Of SpeechPhrase
ExampleAccountants are good at crunching numbers.
To Run Errands
Part Of SpeechPhrase
ExampleI usually run errands on Saturdays. You can always find me doing my laundry and shopping for groceries.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleAs I am a workaholic, you can usually find me in front of the computer all day and evening.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleIn Korea, men must spend two years in the military before they join the workforce.
Word Part Of Speech Example
A good / great deal of Quantifier There is a great deal of work left to be done.
Accurate Adjective That clock is not very accurate. You shouldn’t trust it.
Agenda Noun I need to check my agenda before I accept the invitation.
Alert Noun I have set up my computer to send me an alert when I receive a new email.
Allot Verb In my budget, I have allotted two hundred dollars a week for food and entertainment.
Ambition Noun She doesn’t seem to have many ambitions. Actually, she is quite boring.
Aspire Verb The student beside me aspires to be a teacher one day.
Blue-collar Adjective Blue-collar workers generally make less money than white-collar ones.
Branch Noun This is not the main office of the company. It’s just the regional branch.
Bust Verb My wife busted me when she caught me eating ice cream before dinner.
Commute Noun, Verb Even though this road is empty right now, it is full Monday to Friday during the morning and evening commutes.
Compensation Noun The employee met with her boss to discuss an increase in compensation.
Corporate Adjective This region of the city contains mostly corporate offices.
Credible Adjective Although he has a degree, it is not from a very credible school.
Dedicated Adjective The dedicated activity coordinator is always looking for interesting things to do with the students.
Diaper Noun Diapers are one really expensive aspect of having children.
Dignity Noun I was surprised by the lack of wheelchair-friendly sidewalks in that city. Handicapped people are not treated with dignity there.
Distraction Noun The noise of the construction workers is such a distraction.
Downsize Verb Due to the recent economic problems, the company was forced to downsize.
Earn a living Phrase It is difficult to earn a living making only $8 an hour.
Employee Noun Most employees of Google live in USA.
Employer Noun Aramco is the largest employer in Saudi Arabia.
Entrepreneur Noun My sister is a real entrepreneur. She has never had an employer and has always worked for herself.
Executive Noun, Adjective I am tired of being told what to do in this company. I want to become an executive.
Extensive Adjective I have an extensive history of injuries.
Extreme Adjective That new sports car can travel at extreme speeds.
Feat Noun Climbing Mt. Everest is a feat I would like to accomplish one day.
Firm Noun My brother works for a small accounting firm.
Gap Noun My apartment is very noisy as there is a large gap between the door and the floor. I can hear everything in the hallway.
Insist Verb Even though it looked fake, she insisted that her bag was really a Louis Vuitton.
Interfere Verb I think the walls are interfering with the wireless Internet signal.
Interrupt Verb Please turn off your cell phones. I do not want anything to interrupt our class today.
Invest Verb The entrepreneur is looking for people to invest in her company.
Labourer (US – Laborer) Noun The carpenter employs three labourers in his company.
Lack Verb That city really lacks character. It seemed really boring to me.
Lift Verb Could you help me lift this table?
Minority group Noun Politicians need to get votes from minority groups if they want to win elections.
Needle Noun Some people are really afraid of needles.
Noteworthy Adjective England is famous for producing several noteworthy musicians.
Personnel Noun The security personnel all wear jackets with yellow lettering.
Proposal Noun I presented my company’s proposal to the CEO.
Raise (Salary) Noun I asked my employer for a raise, but she refused.
Reasonable Adjective You will find the prices at that restaurant quite reasonable. That’s why I always go there.
Receptionist Noun Could you make an appointment to meet with my receptionist?
Regional Adjective The regional manager of the bank is on holiday for two weeks.
Relevant Adjective I didn’t find what she had to say very relevant to the subject of the meeting.
Rewarding Adjective Doctors must find their jobs extremely rewarding as they are always helping people.
Scholarship Noun Students who do well in their studies are able to receive scholarships.
Stereotype Noun, Verb It is best not to accept stereotypes and find out the truth for yourself.
Submit Verb I submitted an application to work at that coffee shop yesterday.
Temp Noun Everyone except John has worked in this company for several years. John has only been here for a few days. He’s a temp.
Threaten Verb The taxi driver threatened to kick me out of the car if I didn’t stop eating my lunch.
To Crunch Numbers Phrase Accountants are good at crunching numbers.
To Run Errands Phrase I usually run errands on Saturdays. You can always find me doing my laundry and shopping for groceries.
Workaholic Noun As I am a workaholic, you can usually find me in front of the computer all day and evening.
Workforce Noun In Korea, men must spend two years in the military before they join the workforce.


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