Stative verbs

Verbs used statively show conditions or situations that exist.

  • Professor Greene knows a lot about biomechanics
    • (NOT: Professor Greene is knowing a lot about biomechanics)
  • We have a flat screen TV at our house.
  • The food tastes amazing.

Active verbs

Verbs used actively show action. Some verbs are basically stative and are rarely used actively. Some examples include:

  • want
  • need
  • like
  • own
  • know
  • belong

Other verbs are often used statively but are sometimes used actively. When they are used in this way, they often take on different meanings.

  • We’ll be having dinner at a restaurant tomorrow. (Have = eat or drink)
  • Katie is being ridiculous right now. (Be = behave)


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

