Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt is not acceptable to put your feet on the table.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleThe most stressful time of my life is when I was an adolescent.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleObesity afflicts almost half of all Canadians and Americans.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe student does not seem to take care of himself. He always seems to be suffering from some kind of ailment.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe news of the recent problems is quite alarming.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleA lot of the appeal of that restaurant is that it is considered cool to eat there. The food isn’t actually that good.
Part Of SpeechNoun
Example“Why are there no drinks on this menu?” “Because I have the beverages menu.”
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExamplePeople with high cholesterol are at risk for heart problems.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe disease affects a person’s coordination. It becomes quite difficult for the person to control their arms and legs properly.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleHer main passion in life is to stop all cruelty towards animals.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleHe chose to accept the daring challenge.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleWe have been together for just over a decade.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleDiabetes is one of the diseases common in obese people.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleYou should only take one dose of this medicine every four hours.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleTransportation emissions are responsible for most of the air pollution in the city.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleObesity has reached epidemic proportions in North America.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt is absolutely essential that you get here early for the party tomorrow night.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThe police estimate that the crime occurred at 10pm.
genetically modified
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleGenetically-modified fruit is unnaturally sweeter and larger than normal fruit.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe farmers harvest their crops at the end of summer.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleHe has hippie parents and is therefore quite different than me.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI didn’t think that movie was very good. It was pretty ho-hum.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleI love that kind of coffee. My friend hooked me onto it a year ago.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleHe always tells his son never to start smoking even though he smokes himself. He is quite hypocritical.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleMy father has had an immense effect on my life.
in a row
Part Of SpeechPhrase
ExampleHe has missed class three days in a row.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe warning on the bottle indicates that you shouldn’t drink more than two of these per day.
Part Of SpeechAdverb
ExampleInitially, I did not really like my teacher. Now, I really like her.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleYou should not eat so much fatty beef. Lean meats like fish and chicken are much better for you.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleBy doing good things for the environment in our lives, we can lessen the negative effect we’ve had on it for the past few hundreds of years.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleOur livers clean the dirtiness in our bodies.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe baby tries to mimic her mother’s facial expressions.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleA nutritionist can help you figure out how to change your diet so that you can feel better.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleObesity has become such a big health concern in North America.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI prefer to eat organic fruits and vegetables.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI am tired of being overweight. I am going on a diet tomorrow.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleOne portion of this food contains 300 calories.
Part Of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleThat street is so dangerous. The cars are always going so fast. There is a lot of potential for a terrible accident to happen.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleObesity is one cause of preventable death.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThis problem is of immense proportions.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe government has decided to start regulating the price of gasoline. It has become too expensive for most people to buy.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI read a report about the dangers of smoking.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe company presented a small-scale version of the building they wish to build.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleOne serving of this food contains 300 calories.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleSmoking will absolutely shorten a person’s life.
side effect
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleOne of the side effects of that medicine is headaches.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThere are subtle differences between him and his twin brother.
Part Of SpeechAdjective
ExampleWe are cutting trees faster than we are planting new ones. This is not very sustainable.
taste buds
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe coffee was so hot that I burned my taste buds.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleIt tends to rain a lot in the spring in this city.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleI bought us a special treat for after dinner tonight. Chocolate cake!
Part Of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleA vegan cannot eat chocolate as it contains milk.
Part Of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy waist size is 34 inches.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleI warned him not to say anything to her about her new haircut.
wipe out
Part Of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleThe earthquake wiped out all the electricity in the city.
Part Of SpeechVerb
ExampleHis medical condition has worsened since the surgery.
Word Part Of Speech Example
acceptable Adjective It is not acceptable to put your feet on the table.
adolescent Noun, Adjective The most stressful time of my life is when I was an adolescent.
afflict Verb Obesity afflicts almost half of all Canadians and Americans.
ailment Noun The student does not seem to take care of himself. He always seems to be suffering from some kind of ailment.
alarming Adjective The news of the recent problems is quite alarming.
appeal Noun, Verb A lot of the appeal of that restaurant is that it is considered cool to eat there. The food isn’t actually that good.
beverage Noun “Why are there no drinks on this menu?” “Because I have the beverages menu.”
cholesterol Noun People with high cholesterol are at risk for heart problems.
coordination Noun The disease affects a person’s coordination. It becomes quite difficult for the person to control their arms and legs properly.
cruelty Noun Her main passion in life is to stop all cruelty towards animals.
daring Adjective He chose to accept the daring challenge.
decade Noun We have been together for just over a decade.
diabetes Noun Diabetes is one of the diseases common in obese people.
dose Noun You should only take one dose of this medicine every four hours.
emissions Noun Transportation emissions are responsible for most of the air pollution in the city.
epidemic Noun, Adjective Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in North America.
essential Adjective It is absolutely essential that you get here early for the party tomorrow night.
estimate Noun, Verb The police estimate that the crime occurred at 10pm.
genetically modified Adjective Genetically-modified fruit is unnaturally sweeter and larger than normal fruit.
harvest Verb The farmers harvest their crops at the end of summer.
hippie Noun He has hippie parents and is therefore quite different than me.
ho-hum Adjective I didn’t think that movie was very good. It was pretty ho-hum.
hook Verb I love that kind of coffee. My friend hooked me onto it a year ago.
hypocritical Adjective He always tells his son never to start smoking even though he smokes himself. He is quite hypocritical.
immense Adjective My father has had an immense effect on my life.
in a row Phrase He has missed class three days in a row.
indicate Verb The warning on the bottle indicates that you shouldn’t drink more than two of these per day.
initially Adverb Initially, I did not really like my teacher. Now, I really like her.
lean Adjective You should not eat so much fatty beef. Lean meats like fish and chicken are much better for you.
lessen Verb By doing good things for the environment in our lives, we can lessen the negative effect we’ve had on it for the past few hundreds of years.
liver Noun Our livers clean the dirtiness in our bodies.
mimic Verb The baby tries to mimic her mother’s facial expressions.
nutritionist Noun A nutritionist can help you figure out how to change your diet so that you can feel better.
obesity Noun Obesity has become such a big health concern in North America.
organic Adjective I prefer to eat organic fruits and vegetables.
overweight Adjective I am tired of being overweight. I am going on a diet tomorrow.
portion Noun One portion of this food contains 300 calories.
potential Noun, Adjective That street is so dangerous. The cars are always going so fast. There is a lot of potential for a terrible accident to happen.
preventable Adjective Obesity is one cause of preventable death.
proportions Noun This problem is of immense proportions.
regulate Verb The government has decided to start regulating the price of gasoline. It has become too expensive for most people to buy.
report Noun I read a report about the dangers of smoking.
scale Noun The company presented a small-scale version of the building they wish to build.
serving Noun One serving of this food contains 300 calories.
shorten Verb Smoking will absolutely shorten a person’s life.
side effect Noun One of the side effects of that medicine is headaches.
subtle Adjective There are subtle differences between him and his twin brother.
sustainable Adjective We are cutting trees faster than we are planting new ones. This is not very sustainable.
taste buds Noun The coffee was so hot that I burned my taste buds.
tend Verb It tends to rain a lot in the spring in this city.
treat Noun I bought us a special treat for after dinner tonight. Chocolate cake!
vegan Noun, Adjective A vegan cannot eat chocolate as it contains milk.
waist Noun My waist size is 34 inches.
warn Verb I warned him not to say anything to her about her new haircut.
wipe out Phrasal Verb The earthquake wiped out all the electricity in the city.
worsen Verb His medical condition has worsened since the surgery.


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