
The human body is like a circuit board. Blood, air, and nutrients flow through the body in circulation. Some things exit this circuit as they are used as energy or expelled as waste. Some things, like blood, are pumped out of the heart, move through blood vessels, and return to the heart again. This circuit provides nourishment to our bodies so that we can be our best selves. The cycle renews.


The circulatory system is also known as the cardiovascular system because blood circulates in and out of the heart. Arteries carry blood out of the heart. Veins bring blood into the heart. Capillaries connect smaller veins to artery branches and absorb oxygen from the blood that travels through them. Heart valves act like doors to make sure the blood goes into the correct place. The human body is a fine example of organization.


In addition to valves, the heart also contains four chambers. The left atrium and right atrium are located near the top of the heart and pump blood into it. The left ventricle and right ventricle are located near the bottom of the heart and pump blood out of it. Our blood can travel through the entire cardiovascular system in 20 seconds. The human heart is a wonder of organization. Perhaps we should pay more attention to our body. It might teach us some useful life skills.


In any given moment, there are about 6 litres of blood in the adult human body. However, the circulatory system processes up to 7,000 litres of blood in a single day! Some people may lose a lot of blood quickly due to an injury or illness. They need a blood transfusion to keep living. Not everyone has the same blood type. Some blood types are rarer than others. We can help each other out by safely donating our blood.


Electrical impulses in our body tell the heart how much blood to pump. This determines our heartbeat. For example, our heart will beat faster during intense exercise, like when we run. The impulses will tell our heart to slow down during less intense times, like when we sleep.


The human heart is a vital organ. However, many of us fail to take care of it responsibly. Perhaps it's because we can't see our hearts. We think they're protected by our ribs. However, our hearts can be harmed by things we put into our bodies. Our hearts can become weak from misuse or abuse. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in adults in many wealthy countries. Stroke, heart attack, hypertension, and aneurysm are all heart-related problems that can be fatal.


As with most illnesses, prevention is the best medicine. Be aware of the risk factors for heart disease. A deficient diet can harm the heart. Irresponsible drug use, like smoking, can harm the heart. A lazy lifestyle can harm the heart. High stress levels can harm the heart. There are also risk factors that are out of our control. These include our age or family history.


Eat a nutritious diet. Engage in fun exercise. Enjoy healthy hobbies. The circulatory system is a balancing act, constantly clearing the old to make way for the new. We can help it out by maintaining a balanced lifestyle.


