Read the information about the following people and answer the questions.
Прочтите информацию о следующих людях и ответьте на вопросы.


His name is William. He is a doctor. William is from the United States of America, but he works in Haiti.


Hi! My name is Silvia and I am twenty years old. I am from Germany and I work in a supermarket on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Hello. Our names are Emir and Emily, we are students at a university in Costa Rica. We both are nineteen years old. Emily is studying medicine and I am studying engineering. We will finish in four years.

Reading: Comprehension Questions

  1. Who is American?
  2. Who is German?
  3. Where does Silvia work?
  4. In what country does William work?
  5. How old are the Costa Ricans?
  6. What nationality is the doctor?