Lesson | Smrt English
Review Quiz Units 01-05

Unit six is designed as review of units 1-5. Topics such the ‘to be’, possessive adjectives, there is / there are, nouns, and present simple are revised.  The quiz is under "Teacher Resources".

Review of nationalities
Review of occupations
Review of directions and places
Review of the family tree
6-1 Verb TO BE & Possessive adjectives Review
6-2 There is / There are & Plural Nouns Review
6-3 Simple Present Review
6-1 Mexico City

A listening activity in form of a Youtube video. Students listen to information about Mexico City and answer questions in conversation. Students also answer a series of questions about the information that they listen to.

6-1 There is / There are

Students look at two pictures and describe them to a partner. The use of there is and there is practiced verbally.
