Teacher Notes
This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar targets A/An and there is/there are along with the unit Vocabulary to describe the locations on the map.

Describe the places and where they are located on the map.
- hospital
- lake
- restaurant
- hotel
- bank
- airport
- university

There is a post office across from a restaurant.
- to the left/right
- next to
- beside
- in front of
- under
- between
- across from
- behind
Give your partner directions to get to the places in the box.
Student 1 giving directions to Student 2 (university)

Go forward on Bute street. You will see a convenience store on the corner of Spruce street. Go straight forward to Pine street. Go forward on Bute street. The university is across from the hotel.
- forward
- straight
- back
- turn