Here are two lists of Vocabulary for this reading. Review the first vocabulary list below. This is the list of 26 words that we will need to use for the exercises in this unit. The second list are words which are found in the reading, but we will not study them as closely or use them in exercises in this unit. They are there to help you to understand the reading, only.


  1. intense (adj) strong and powerful, used with feelings or intangible nouns
  2. dislike (n) sth that is not liked
  3. confection (n) a sweet or candy
  4. festivity (n) a party or festival
  5. namely (adv) used to specifically identify sth “that is...”
  6. occasion (n) an event or special time
  7. attendant (adj) associated with or belonging to sth
  8. frivolity (n) silly activity or behaviour
  9. estrangement (n) the separation between people after a relationship ended (often badly)
  10. committed (adj) necessary to follow a plan or act in a certain way
  11. party (n) a person--commonly used in written contracts
  12. compatible (adj) getting along
  13. prior to (adv) before
  14. troubled (adj) upset or worried
  15. sincere (adj) having true feelings
  16. apology (n) a formal expression of feeling sorry for sth done
  17. inappropriate (adj) not appropriate or correct
  18. inquiry (n) a formal question
  19. consequence (n) the result
  20. concern (n) worry
  21. perceived (adj) based on observation or feeling
  22. indiscretion (n) an inappropriate, usually irresponsible, action
  23. terminated (adj) ended
  24. reconciliation (n) an agreement to forgive one-another for past hurt
  25. tone (n) the mood or feeling of speech
  26. register (n) how formal or informal speech is

Additional Vocabulary

  • adversary (n) an enemy
  • culpability (n) responsibility for sth wrong
  • consideration (n) thinking about sth
  • amourous (adj) very romantic and affectionate
  • pursual (n) an attempt to get sth
  • numerous (adj) many
  • indications (n) information about sth that can be observed or guessed at
  • advance (n) 1. a forward movement; 2. idiomatic an attempt to interest another person sexually
  • graciously (adv) kindly
  • extend (v) offer or give
  • courtesy (n) kindness and nice behaviour
  • persons (n- pl) people
  • gaze (n) stare
  • fixed (adj) set in or attached to one place
  • regular (adj) 1. “at the same”; 2. not unusual
  • interval (n) a measured amount of time
  • high degree of (adj phrase- uncountable) very large amount
  • frequency (n) 1. sth that happens a lot; 2. how often sth happens
  • doubt (n) being unsure of sth
  • prepared (adj) being ready for sth
  • commence (v) start
  • countdown (n) counting backward to the occurrence of an event
  • accuracy (n) being correct without errors
  • wager (v) to make a bet
  • sum (n) an amount; the total of sth
  • outcome (n) the result
  • assertion (n) a claim
  • portion (n) a partial amount of sth
  • acceptable (adj) satisfactory or okay
  • aforementioned (adj) talked about before
  • behaviour (n) the way sm acts
  • occur (v) to happen
  • anticipated (adj) expected
  • perhaps (adv) maybe
  • agreement (n) the act of agreeing
  • but for (conj) except for
  • mere (adj) not more than
  • coincidence (n) two things happening at the same time by chance, not plan
  • count (n) a number
  • certain (adj) sure
  • disbelief (n) the inability to believe sth
  • pardon (v) to excuse
  • intrusion (n) an interruption
  • procure (v) to get or buy
  • enhance (v) to make sth greater or better
  • suffice (v) to be enough
  • desire (n) sth wanted

Now read the following dialogue. Is the language formal or informal? Where do you think the lady and gentleman are when they are having this conversation? Be sure to review the vocabulary as needed so that you can understand this reading.

Lady: What is the reason for your intense dislike of confections bearing a resemblance to hearts?

Gentleman: I believe it causes me to reflect on the day’s festivities, namely, the occasion of St. Valentine and the attendant romantic frivolities. Due to an estrangement, I am no longer in a committed relationship. The party in question and I had been compatible prior to this.

Lady: I am troubled to learn this. Please accept my sincerest apology for having made an inappropriate inquiry.

Gentleman: There is no consequence to your actions, so you need not concern yourself with any perceived indiscretion on your part. The relationship has been terminated.

Lady: Is there no reconciliation possible?

Gentleman: There is not. The adversary is known, and I accept full culpability.

Lady: Might I suggest that you give consideration to an amorous pursual of the female flight attendant. There are numerous indications that she would welcome such advances.

Gentleman: It is my opinion that she graciously extends her courtesy to all persons as part of her professional responsibilities.

Lady: Her gaze is fixed in this direction at regular intervals and with a high degree of frequency.

Gentleman: I doubt that very much.

Lady: Are you prepared for me to commence a countdown to measure the accuracy of my statement? Five, ...

Gentleman: } Would you care to wager a small sum on the outcome of your assertion?

Lady: } ... four, ...

Lady: I will wager a small portion of pretzels.

Gentleman: That would be acceptable.

Lady: Five, four, three, two, .... Ah! The aforementioned behaviour has occurred as anticipated.

Gentleman: Perhaps. I would be in agreement but for the fact that this was a mere coincidence.

Lady: Five, four, three, .... Oh! The behaviour occurred on the third count of five. It is certain that the attendant is advancing upon us.

Gentleman: I am in disbelief.

Female Flight Attendant: Pardon my intrusion. May I procure something to enhance your travel experience?

Gentleman: Well...

Lady: A small portion of pretzels would be satisfactory.

Gentleman: Two portions would be needed to suffice our desires, in actual fact.

When you are done reading, discuss the following questions with your partners:

  1. What is happening in this dialogue?
  2. How would you describe the register of the language?
  3. How would you describe the tone? Do you think the tone is appropriate to the subject that they are discussing? For example, are there any particular phrases that seem odd to you?
  4. Where do you think the conversation is taking place? Who do you think these people are, and what is their relationship?
  5. Have you ever been in a situation like this?


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.
