Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
alert Adjective You have to be alert when you drive.
along Preposition Let's walk along the river after dinner.
apart Adverb Our birthdays are only two days apart.
aware Adjective Are you aware that there are 29 days in February this year?
bother Noun, Verb Please turn that music off. It's bothering me. I'm trying to study.
bright Adjective You look good in bright colours. That shirt is really nice.
Verb I need to charge my phone. Do you have a charger?
choice Noun This menu has too many choices. I can't decide.
[being with someone]
Adjective Do you want to be alone, or would you like some company?
Noun I will lend you money on one condition: you must pay me back before Friday.
Noun The weather conditions today are perfect for skydiving.
Noun, Verb In soccer, you must not contact the ball with your hands.
crosswalk Noun Cars will stop for you if cross the street at the crosswalk.
dead Adjective I'm sorry I missed your call. My phone was dead.
die Verb The laptop will die if you don't turn it off.
distract Verb You shouldn't text while you drive because it will distract you.
during Preposition During the movie, I fell asleep.
else Adverb Spaghetti. Sure. Excellent choice. Is there anything else you would like to order? A salad perhaps?
empty Adjective The classroom is empty because the students have gone out for a break.
extra Adjective, Adverb I'm sorry. You will have to pay extra for the french fries. They do not come with the sandwich.
flashlight Noun You should take a flashlight with you if you are going camping.
freedom Noun They moved here because they didn't have freedom in their country.
helpful Adjective My job is to be helpful and answer customers' questions.
imaginary Adjective Ghosts are not real. They are imaginary.
impossible Adjective Your goals are impossible. You will not achieve them.
independent Adjective I don't live with my parents because I like to be independent.
Verb Let's keep in touch on Facebook after you go back to your country.
leader Noun You can't be the manager of the company because you are not a leader.
lecture Noun The history lecture was really interesting today. I have over 20 pages of notes.
nap Noun I love to take naps for an hour in the afternoons.
native Adjective I don't have any friends who are native English speakers.
own Adjective, Pronoun I don't want to share my room. I want my own.
pedestrian Noun There is a pedestrian at the crosswalk. You should stop the car.
pick up
Phrasal Verb Please pick up your garbage. You mustn't just put it on the ground.
[strength, ability]
Noun I don't have the power to continue. I'm not strong enough.
privacy Noun I don't have a roommate because I really need privacy.
pros & cons Idiom There are lots of pros and cons we should talk about before we make the decision.
real Adjective Is that a real gold watch? Was it a gift?
reflect Verb If you ride a bicycle at night, you should wear clothes that reflect light.
responsible Adjective The teacher is responsible for the students in class.
romantic Adjective That movie was good. It was funny, but it was also romantic.
safety Noun I don't want you to go skydiving. I'm just worried about your safety.
score Noun What was your score on last week's test?
share Verb Do you want to share the cost of a taxi downtown?
sidewalk Noun Don't walk on the road. Stay on the sidewalk!
snake Noun I don't know why, but I'm really afraid of snakes.
take care
[be careful]
Idiom Please take care tonight. Don't do anything stupid.
ring Verb I think your cell phone is ringing. Can you hear it?
ticket Noun A ticket to see the movie cost $20.
toothbrush Noun Do you have an extra toothbrush I could use?
underwear Noun The child's underwear has pictures of animals on it.
warning Noun I didn't listen to my dad's warnings. I made the wrong choice.
wish Noun, Verb What would you choose to do if you had three wishes?