Work in a group of 3-4 students. Discuss the following warm-up questions / activities:

  • What does “addiction” mean to you?
  • Brainstorm words related to addiction for two minutes in Exercise 1:
  • Do you agree or disagree? Why?
    • I use the Internet at least two hours per day.
    • I have stayed up all night (or almost all night) to surf the Net or play an online game.
    • The Internet is a dangerous invention.
    • I couldn't live for even one week without access to the Internet!
    • Some people are addicted to the Internet and their computers.
  • Rank It!: How serious are these addictions? Rank them in order. Remember to support your decisions!
    • the Internet
    • gambling
    • texting messages on a cell phone
    • alcohol
    • cigarettes


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