This is a group activity meant to practice the first, second, and third conditionals.

  1. Have each student write a list of the other students in the Exercise.
  2. Write an 'if Clause' on the whiteboard or projector. The "if" clause can be in the first, second, or third conditional.


    • If it rains this weekend...
    • If I hadn't come to Canada...
    • If the person beside me were David Beckham...
  3. Have the students finish the sentence in their documents.
  4. Write all the answers on the board in random order and number them.
  5. Have students try to guess the answers of the other students and write your guesses (the numbers from the whiteboard) next to each student’s name in their lists.
  6. Have the students reveal which answer was theirs.
  7. Briefly discuss everyone’s answers - ensuring the target structure is used as much as possible in the process and correcting language related to the grammar.
  8. Continue with another round…