doctor and patient

A: What's giving me this pain in my shoulder?

B: We'll do some tests and find out.

Inversion: Auxiliary Before Subject

Normally, the auxiliary verb (or modal verb) goes before the subject in questions. This word order is called "inversion".

  Inversion Word Order in Questions
They have seen the movie. Have they seen the movie?
She is staying with her sister until tomorrow. Is she staying with her sister until tomorrow?
We can use his car. Can we use his car?
You are doing homework. Are you doing homework?
She has already gone home. Has she already gone home?
It will rain tomorrow. Will it rain tomorrow?

If there is no other auxiliary verb, we use do, does, or did to form a question:

You like soccer.

  • Do you like soccer?

He had a great time last night.

  • Did he have a great time last night?

It rains a lot in this city.

  • Does it rain a lot in this city?

Subject Questions: No Inversion

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