Listen to these interviews with different people. They talk about what they did last weekend.

Janet, USA


Last weekend, hmm, let me think. Yes, I remember. I went to the bank in the morning, and then I walked around the park. On Sunday, I slept all day and cooked dinner at 7 p.m.

Amanda, Canada


I woke up late, about 11pm. I cleaned my house because it was really dirty. After, I watched some television, and in the evening I went to an Italian restaurant with a friend and ate some pizza.

Lucy, UK


Last weekend was really boring for me. On Saturday I didn't do anything. On Sunday my boyfriend and I walked around the city and watched a movie at the cinema.

James, USA


Last Saturday was my birthday. In the evening, I had a party at my house with 10 of my friends. On Sunday, I relaxed a little and then spent some time with my mom, dad, and some of my cousins.

Camila, Peru


Last Sunday, I met some people at my church. They were from Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela. They were so friendly and I was very happy to have new friends. In the afternoon, we studied some English together at a cafe. It was a really fantastic weekend.

