Objectives & Sequence: This activity is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Present Simple #1.

Important words to use when describing a routine: "first," "next," and "after"

  • First: This word is used to introduce the beginning step or action.
    • Example First, I wake up.
  • Next: This word shows the following step or action after the first one.
    • Example: Next, I brush my teeth.
  • After: This word can be used to show a step or action that follows another, often with a specific time or event in mind.
    • Example: After breakfast, I go to school.

When describing your routine, you can use these words to show the order of your daily activities.

For example:

  • First, I wake up. Next, I eat breakfast. After that, I go to school.


Open Exercise One to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document. Then, go on to Exercise Two.

