Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 3-1.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding pages below. Listed on each page are actions each person's partner did in the past. For each action, students should ask their partners why they did these things. Partners should listen and pretend they indeed did the things. For each action, they should come up with a reason for doing it on the spot. They should explain the reason in the Past Simple, Continuous, or Past Perfect Simple.
On Student One's Page: Your partner didn't pay a tip at a restaurant yesterday.

Why didn't you pay a tip at the restaurant yesterday?
I didn't pay a tip at the restaurant because the waitress had dropped food on me.

- Your partner had to walk home from school.
- Your partner's car burned down in a fire yesterday.
- Your partner's boyfriend / girlfriend got very upset with them last week.
- Your partner took a drive unexpectedly yesterday.
- Your partner had to go the hospital.
- Your partner became an Uber driver.
- Your partner ate food from a garbage can.
- Your partner took a photo of the bus driver.
- Your partner took a limousine to work yesterday.
- Your partner screamed.
- Your partner stole food from a store.
- Your partner broke his car window.
- Your partner bought a really expensive car.
- Your partner got a bad sunburn yesterday.
- Your partner woke up at 2 PM yesterday.
- Your partner broke his finger last week.