Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 3-3.
Students work in pairs and open the corresponding pages below. The activity is done in two parts. In the first part, Student One is given six sentences. Student One first reads one of the sentences. Student Two then asks a question about the sentence. The Student One must create an answer in the passive voice to Student Two's question. Suggested answers are provided on Student's page in the event Student One is unsure. In the second part of the activity, roles are reversed.
On Student One's page: The famous race car driver hurt herself during the race.
On Student Two's page: What happened to the race car driver? (Possible answer: She was taken to the hospital.)

The famous race car driver hurt herself during the race.
What happened to the race car driver?

She was taken to the hospital.
Part One
Read these sentences to your partner. He or she will then ask you about them.
- I tried to go to the washroom, but the door was locked.
- When I woke up this morning, my car was gone.
- The business ran out of money.
- Hundreds of people were waiting outside the store to buy the new iPhone.
- I went to the library, but I couldn't sit at the desk I usually sit at.
- We couldn't take the normal road to school yesterday.
Part Two
Ask the questions below about your partner's sentences:
- What happened to the soccer game?
- Possible answer: It was cancelled.
- What happened to the woman?
- Possible answer: She was taken to the police station.
- What was happening to all of the chairs?
- Possible answer: All of the chairs were being used / sat on.
- What was happening to your meal?
- Possible answer: It was (still) being made / cooked.
- What had happened to the cake?
- Possible answer: It had (already) been eaten.
- What had happened to the lights?
- Possible answer: They had (already) been turned on.
Part One
Ask the questions below about your partner's sentences:
- What was happening to the washroom?
- Possible answer: It was being used / cleaned.
- What had happened to the car?
- Possible answer: The car had been stolen.
- What happened to the business?
- Possible answer: The business was closed / shut down.
- What happened to the phones?
- Possible answer: All the iPhones were sold.
- What was happening to the desk?
- Possible answer: It was being used by someone else.
- What was happening to the road?
- Possible answer: It was being fixed / repaired.
Part Two
Read these sentences to your partner. He or she will then ask you about them.
- It was snowing during the morning on the day of the soccer game.
- The police put the woman in the back seat of their police car.
- I couldn't find anywhere to sit in the crowded room.
- The waiter didn't bring my meal to the table when he brought my friend's.
- When I arrived at the party, there wasn't any cake left.
- I didn't have to turn on the lights of the classroom today.