Vocabulary Slideshow

Vocabulary List

Word Part of Speech Example
paint booth Noun Bring the car into the paint booth.
paint job (slang) Noun Man, your ride really needs a new paint job.
design Noun I like the design with the new Ford Trucks.
new old stock (NOS) Noun You won't have to buy anything aftermarket, we have some new old stock.
hydraulics Noun Those hydraulics are really cool.
suspension Noun There is something wrong with her car's suspension.
shocks Noun Those shocks really help the ride be smooth.
components Noun I don't really understand all of the components in an engine.
bed Noun Put the boxes in the truck bed.
cage / roll cage Noun The rally racers need roll cages to be safe.
door panels Noun I have a scratch on my door panel.
dashboard Noun I want to upgrade my dashboard.
four-point harnesses Noun The racers use four-point harnesses when they drive.
supercharger Noun His supercharger really helps the car go fast quickly.
turbocharger Noun The turbocharger might need to be fixed.
chassis Noun After the accident, the car's chassis needed to be repaired.
client Noun The client wanted me to install the new stereo.
expectation Noun I have very high expectations for this company.
creativity Noun Customizing cars requires a lot of creativity.
taste Noun She has a horrible taste in cars.
passion Noun The students have a lot of passion for learning.
museum Noun There are some pretty cool exhibits at this museum.
impression Noun My first impression is that you are pretty good with cars.
award Noun His hard work was his true reward.
lowrider Noun They fixed up the Oldsmobile to be a lowrider.
generous Adjective There are a lot of generous people in my life.
custom Adjective I want a custom stereo.
stock Adjective I replaced the stock rims that came with my car.
standard Adjective Bluetooth is standard in new cars these days.
traditional Adjective The traditional seat belt is not a four-point harness.
aftermarket Adjective We put on some aftermarket parts for the suspension.
metric Adjective This part needs metric sockets to be replaced.
innovative Adjective That company is very innovative. They always have new ideas.
futuristic Adjective Did you see those new cars? They were very futuristic looking.
challenging Adjective My job has been pretty challenging so far.
modify | mod Verb We are going to start modifying the steering wheel today.
integrate Verb I think you can integrate your phone into the navigation system.
extend Verb We will need to extend the suspension for the new rims.
mount Verb You have to mount the spoiler on the back of the car.
envision Verb I can envision that company making a lot of money.
include Verb Does this car include winter tires?
involve Verb We should involve your sister with this project.
form Verb They formed the carbon fiber in their own shop.
swap Verb We should swap cars this weekend. I want to drive yours.
promote Verb Facebook always promotes different products.
provide Verb We provide free rides to our customers.
customize Verb I really want to customize some things on my car.
express Verb Our clients expressed that they really like the new design.
consider Verb We should consider a different shop. This one is very expensive.
require Verb You are required to have a driver's license in most countries to drive.
equip Verb You have to equip your car with Bluetooth for this feature to work.
weigh Verb The car weighs more when people are in it.
admire Verb I really admire my father because he has always worked hard.
throw in Phrasal Verb If you buy this car, we will throw in free winter tires.
put in Phrasal Verb Can you put the bags in the trunk?
take out Phrasal Verb Hey let's take out your old stereo and upgrade it.
take off Phrasal Verb  We really should take off that old part.
rarely Adverb We rarely drive to the beach anymore.
often Adverb I often dream about getting a new car.
lately Adverb Lately I have been thinking about getting new tires.
specifically Adverb I love that engine, specifically the turbocharger.
be ahead of its time Phrase  Electric cars in the 1800s were so ahead of their time.

Vocabulary Dictation



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