Objectives and Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 7-1.
Students work with a partner. Each partner opens the corresponding page.
Students are presented with words they need to use to form questions to ask their partner. Each question targets the use of the Present Perfect to describe unfinished time periods.
On Student One's page: How many times / you / work on / an engine / this month?

How many times have you worked on an engine this month?
Actually, I haven't seen any movies at a theatre this month.

- How many text messages / you / get / today?
- How many times / you / be / in a Tesla?
- How many cars / you / see / today?
- How many times / you / eat / at a food truck week?
- How many times / you / check / Facebook / today?
- How many different countries / you / go / to?
- How many times / you / ride a motorcycle?
- How many meals / you / eat / today?
- How much money / you / spend / since yesterday?
- How many people / you / speak / to today?
- How many quarts of oil / you / put / in your engine?
- How many times / you / miss / this class?
- How many times / you / be / on an airplane?
- How many times / you / take / a shower / since yesterday?
- How many different modifications / you / do / to your vehicle?
- How many questions / I / ask / so far?