A: Sue, do you want to see that documentary about electric cars with me tonight?
B: What about a different movie? Andy saw it last week and said that it was really boring. He told me not to see it.
Other Ways of Reporting
Another way of reporting what people said is to use verbs that give us more information about what was said. In 120, we will study the following verbs:
- tell
- ask
- order
- beg
- advise
- invite
- warn
- remind
To report questions and statements with the verbs above, use the following word order:
tell, ask, order, etc. + somebody + (not) to + infinitive verb

She asked, "Would you like to study with me at the library?"
- She invited me to study with her at the library.

Mike said, "You should spend more time at home with your family."
- Mike advised me to spend more time at home with my family.

Jim said to me, "Please don't be late tomorrow. Please!"
- Jim begged me not to be late tomorrow.
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