Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 12-2.
Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15
Students first open the exercise and make a copy. Next, the teacher allocates a link below to each of the students in the room.
On each page, students are given instructions to make a sentence directed at another student in the class. The instructions involve one of the following verbs: order, ask, invite, tell, remind, advise, and beg.

Jesse, could you please take my photo?
It is important that students say the name of the student they are speaking to.
Other students in the class listen and write in their documents what happened using Reported Speech (Reported Commands & Requests).
- Mariana asked Jesse to take a photo of her.
Finally, when every student has read their sentence, the answers can be checked as a class or with partners.
Invite someone to go for a drive with you.
Ask someone to give you his or her phone number.
Remind someone to change his or her oil tonight.
Tell someone not to smoke.
Beg someone to let you borrow their car tonight.
Order someone to buy you lunch today.
Invite someone to come to the beach or park with you after school.
Advise someone to learn how to drive a manual.
Ask someone to give you his or her license plate number.
Advise someone to read more books.
Tell someone to be quiet.
Ask someone to change the music.
Advise someone to fuel up.
Beg someone to stay with you after class.
Nicely ask someone out on a date.