I will read

- bird
- birds
- beak
- feathers
- fly
- wings
- claws
- cage
- swing
- nest
- eggs
- hatch
- branch
- hear
- tree
What can you see?

This is a bird.
It has a beak.
It has feathers.
It can fly.

These are birds.
They have beaks.
They have feathers.
They can not fly.

This is a big bird.
It has a beak.
It has wings.
It is strong.

This is a cute bird.
It has big eyes.
It has big claws.
It is cool.

This is a pet bird.
It has a house.
It is a cage.
It is big.

This is a swing.
The birds sit.
The birds swing.
It is fun.

This is a nest.
I can see eggs!
The eggs hatch.
We see baby birds.

I see a nest.
I see a branch.
I see a tree.
I see a park.

I see birds fly.
I hear birds sing.
I see birds sit.

Birds are cute.
Birds are cool.
Birds are fun.