
I will read

  • tail
  • tails
  • long
  • short
  • fluffy
  • soft
  • whose
  • you
  • climb
  • bear
  • gorilla
  • have
  • swish
  • wag
  • rest

What can you see?

This is a tail.

It is long.

It is fluffy.

Whose tail is it?

It is a fox tail.

The fox is small.

It can run.

This is a tail.

It is short.

It is soft.

Whose tail is it?

It is a dog tail.

The dog is big.

It can dig.

This is a tail.

It is long.

It is strong.

Whose tail is it?

This is a lion tail.

The lion is big.

It can climb.

This is a tail.

It is short.

It is cute.

Whose tail is it?

It is a rabbit tail.

The rabbit is small.

It can hop.

This is a tiger.

It has a long tail.

This is a bear.

It has a short tail.

This is a gorilla.

It has no tail!

I see tails.

I see tails swish.

I see tails wag.

I see tails rest.

Do you have a tail?

