Thematic focus

  1. Expressing love and appreciation to others through acts of kindness and poetry.
  2. Expressing feelings.

Social Outcomes

  1. Develop a positive attitude towards yourself as an English Language Learner.
  2. Begin to speak in more detailed sentences.
  3. Develop interpersonal skills such as listening to others with interest, and expressing oneself with pride in front of a group.
  4. Practice appropriate game behaviour, such as taking turns, being patient, allowing others to win.
  5. Practice listening to each other, learn about what’s important to others.
  6. Talk about what and who your really care about.
  7. Express kindness to others using English.
  8. Express one’s feelings in more depth.
  9. Learn to be polite in English.
  10. Become more aware of the world around us and use English words to describe what you see.
  11. Enjoy the process of learning and engage in classes in a fun and energetic way.

Linguistic Focus

  1. Learn to identify, understand and use simple practical language to express oneself, and learn to be polite.
  2. Begin to acquire the most basic reading and writing skills at the level of individual letters and sounds, through letter formation and identification.
  3. Begin to acquire a bank of vocabulary and phrases to use in daily life through speaking, acting, and singing.
  4. Increase emotions vocabulary.

Linguistic Outcomes

  • Identify and practice simple phrases:
    Lesson 1

    How do you feel?

    I feel ______ (happy/sad/confused/surprised/sleepy/hungry/scared/angry/bored).

    Lesson 2

    I love you. You are _____ (kind/beautiful/ nice/cool/awesome/amazing/sweet)

    I love you too.

    Lesson 3
    Polite Speech

    Please, Thank you

    Excuse me, May I have _____?

    You are welcome.

    Lesson 4

    How do you go to school?

    I go to school by car/bus/bike/ on foot.


    I love to travel on foot. I love to travel by plane.

  • Familiarization with feelings words.
  • Familiarization with shape names.
  • Familiarization with transportation words.
  • Identify and print Nn, Oo, Pp.