Flashcard Games

  • Line True or False
    Put a line of tape on the floor with one side "True" and the other "False". Hold up a flashcard and say its word. If Ss think that you have said the correct word they jump on the True side, if not they jump on the False side. Incorrect Ss sit out until the next game.
  • Musical Flashcards
    Flashcards are arranged in a circle and students walk around the circle as some music is playing. When the music stops T shouts out a flashcard and the Ss must race to step on that card. The first S to step on it keeps the card (1 point) and the game continues. This can be a game where kids get hurt, so keep the competitiveness down and enforce correct game behaviour.
  • Over-under
    Children are lined up in 2 teams. Give the two kids at the front each a flash card. When you say go, the first in line says the word and passes the flashcard over their head, the next kid says the word and passes the card under between their legs, the next kid over, then under, etc. The last kid in line races to the front to hand the flashcard to the teacher and says the word. The first team to hand the card in gets a point.
  • Pictionary
    Pick a S and show him/her a flashcard. The S draws the picture on the board and the first S to guess the picture gets to draw the next picture.