What are credible sources?

It is important to make sure the source of your reading is credible. Credible sources are places information comes from that are unbiased and trustworthy. If you trust the place you get your reading from, you can trust what you read to be true.

Is my reading credible?

The internet is a tricky place to navigate. There is more misinformation than true information on the internet. You cannot google something and expect what you find to be true.

Many sites are not credible. Almost anyone can start a website, so it is possible the information you are getting is not credible.
  • What is the website about - read the mission statement or ‘about’ section.
  • Where does the website come from - is the website hosted by a university?
  • Who is the author - what is the author’s credentials?
  • When was it published and last updated - is the information current?
  • Does it have references?

How to Find Credible Sources

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