Intro #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

  1. Students work in pairs with one group of three being okay as well.
  2. Pairs of students open the corresponding pages. Seven separate pages have been created, one for each pair of students.
  3. Students need to create a dialogue using the specified vocabulary words and the them presented in the role play.
  4. Ideally, students should record their role play using a computer web cam, so that the videos can be played later in front of the class. If not possible, have students perform their role plays in front of the class.

You and your roommate are planning an April Fool's Day prank.

  • prank
  • practical joke
  • crappy
  • overly

You are a married couple arguing about where to hold Christmas dinner this year. One person wants to hold it at home, but the other person wants to hold it at someone else's home.

  • purchase
  • decorations
  • obligatory
  • To count on somebody

You want to have a Super Bowl party at your home this year. Your roommate really hates football.

  • broadcast
  • despise
  • gripe
  • commercial

You are angry about having to spend so much money on a Valentine's Day gift for your boyfriend or girlfriend.

  • obligatory
  • purchase
  • sentimental
  • dumb

You are discussing whether or not to celebrate Christmas or Easter because they have become such commercial holidays in North America.

  • festivity
  • obligatory
  • evolve
  • ornaments

You are discussing what homeless people do on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving.

  • bum
  • sympathize
  • spread
  • despise

You think it would be cool to adopt a dog or cat for a Christmas present. You are a boyfriend and girlfriend.

  • adopt
  • To count on somebody
  • break up
  • crappy