What's Going to Happen?

Understanding (very) simple information about (highly) familiar, concrete topics. (CLB)

Susan's Next Few Days

Understanding (very) simple information about (highly) familiar, concrete topics. (CLB)

In the Future

Practicing the use of “be going to” in speaking.

My Plans

Practicing the use of “be going to” and present continuous (for the future) in speaking.

Future Discussion

Practicing the use of “be going to” present continuous (for the future), and “will” in speaking.

Be Going To

Practicing the written use of “be going to”.

Present Continuous

Practicing the written use of present continuous (for the future).


Practicing the written use of “will”.

Driving to California

Understanding...some basic details in very simple, short texts related to everyday, familiar... situations and topics. (CLB)

Use of English
Time Expressions

Practicing the use of time expressions in the past and future in writing.

Making Plans

Previewing and/or reviewing vocabulary, grammar and/or pronunciation with pre-written dialogues.

Your Plans

Describing your possible future plans.

Using Commas

Practicing the correct use of commas.
