
Academic Word List

  • achieve
  • analyze
  • contrast
  • location
  • previously
  • specific
  • process
  • stress

Other Vocabulary

  • absolute
  • holistic
  • imbalance


Please click the Exercise link to continue and do exercises 1 and 2.


Use the following questions to begin a discussion. Try to be sure everyone in your group gives their opinion and explains why they hold that opinion before moving on to the next question.

  1. Should people take medicine every time they feel sick?
  2. Are drugs from some countries better than others?


Please click the Exercise link to continue and do Exercise 3.


Listen to the first two sentences of the Listening. In your group, discuss how this relates to the Reading you've just done. Does it give you any ideas about the topic of the Listening?


We'll be continuing today with our discussion of Chinese and Western medicine. Previously, we talked about diagnosis and how these two systems differed in very general ways.

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