
Academic Word List

  • affect
  • alter
  • apparently
  • approximately
  • aspect
  • benefit
  • conducted
  • cycle
  • definite
  • eventually
  • experts
  • function
  • individual
  • initial
  • interaction
  • investigate
  • involved
  • isolated
  • maximize
  • normal
  • obviously
  • occur
  • overall
  • participate
  • period
  • phases
  • previously
  • recreate
  • regulation
  • research
  • schedule
  • theory
  • traditional
  • ultimately

Other Vocabulary

  • accomplish
  • appetite
  • detriments
  • drastically
  • hormone
  • inventor
  • strict
  • supposedly


Please click the Exercise link to continue and do exercises 1 and 2.


Use the questions to begin a discussion. Try to be sure everyone in your group gives their opinion and explains why they hold that opinion before moving on to the next question. Type in your group's main ideas to use afterwards for class discussion.

  1. Would you sacrifice some of your sleep if there were something else important to do? Give an example.
  2. What happens to you if you don't get the sleep you want? Does something change in your personality or behaviour?


Please click the Exercise link to continue and do Exercise 3.


Listen to first paragraph of a larger Listening, which is only an Introduction to the topic. In your group, discuss how this relates to the Reading you've just done and predict what you believe the rest of the Listening will be about and some of the topics that might be discussed.


Well, we've read the material about sleep cycles and talked about, in theory anyway, what an optimal cycle would be for your average sleeper. If you remember, there was stage one through three, followed by REM sleep, where we do our dreaming. Today we'll look at some interesting studies done into sleep cycles, which all began with some stories about someone I'm sure you've all heard of before, Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci had a really interesting and extremely short sleep cycle that we'll talk about, and then look at experiments done by Dr. Claudio Stampi in Italy, trying to recreate da Vinci's incredible short amount of sleep, to see whether it is in fact possible or even healthy.


Please click the Exercise link to continue and do Exercise 4.

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