
Pinwheel Breathing

Pinwheel Breathing is a great technique to regulate adrenaline, stress, and anxiety levels.

Star Breath

KidsHow-toKids 110Kids 115...
Keep shining and breathing with the Best Tees, as they guide you through a mindful moment like the star you are!

How to make your stress work for you - Shannon Odell

Dig into what causes your stress response to be triggered, and how you can best train your mind and body to deal with stress.

Lying Down Mindfulness

This is a compilation of videos in which children lie down, relax and close their eyes. Perfect for the end of the school day or before bedtime!

Ellie The Elephant And The Stinkin' Thinkin!

Join Ellie on an adventure to learn about the importance of her thoughts - and kick that stinkin' thinkin' to the curb!

Let's Talk About Love

There are lots of ways to say I love you! You might like to give someone a hug, or tell them kind words. How do you show your love for someone?

Let's Talk About Emotions

Understanding our emotions is so helpful, no matter your age or abilities! What are things that make YOU feel angry or happy or scared?

Mindfulness Compilation

A mix of two fun and active mindfulness activities for kids - Mindful Looking and Rainbow Relaxation.

Kindness Makes Me Stronger

Nick spends time on his grandparents farm teaching his new friends the power of kindness.

What Is Compassion?

YouthSelfWellnessMental Health...
What does compassion really mean? Kids News contributor Sabrina Erin interviewed Dr. Bassam Khoury, a clinical psychologist, to find out more.

Tips For Summer Swimming

Emma-Louise shares some advice on how to make sure you stay safe when swimming during the hot weather!

The Device Helping Children With Diabetes

Learn about this amazing device that is helping those with diabetes on a daily basis.

Little Craig And The Yellow Bike

A little book about rising above the things that can affect us.

Why Video Games Reduce Anxiety

YouthGamingMental HealthScience...
Since video games arrived on the scene, people have worried about their addictive nature. Research suggests that it can have major benefits for our mental health.

How to increase your happiness

Dig into the benefits of practicing gratitude in your everyday life, and discover how being thankful can impact your happiness.

School Absences

There are lots of different reasons children are not going to school. Newsround went to find out more.

Healthy Digital Life Balance

In this lesson you'll learn how to add balance between real life and digital life.

Little Sock

Follow Little Sock on this adorable journey about bravery and aspiration.

What's My Superpower?

What’s My Superpower is a celebration of those who use their words and abilities to lift up the world around them.

Mindfulness: Twist & Turn

Test your meditation skills - see if you can twist and turn like this!

Mindfulness: Let's Unwind

Practice unwinding your body and thoughts so you feel relaxed and happy inside and out.