
What Is a Sin Eater? | The Story of God

Adults Spirituality
Sal Masekela travels to England to find the final resting place of the last "sin eater."

The myth of Oisin and the land of eternal youth - Iseult Gillespie

Adults Spirituality
In a typical hero's journey, the protagonist sets out on an adventure, undergoes great change and returns in triumph to their point of origin. But in the Irish genre of myth known as echtrai, the journey to the otherworld ends in a point of no return. Iseult Gillespie shares the myth of Oisin and the land of eternal youth.

The myth of Prometheus - Iseult Gillespie

Adults Spirituality
Before the creation of humanity, the Greek gods won a great battle against a race of giants called the Titans. Most Titans were destroyed or driven to the eternal hell of Tartarus. But the Titan Prometheus, whose name means foresight, persuaded his brother Epimetheus to fight with him on the side of the Gods. Iseult Gillespie shares the myth of Prometheus.

How to Recount Your Dreams

Adults Spirituality
We often wake up from a dream with a powerful urge to tell those around us about what happened. But our listeners are also liable to feel restless and bored during our narration of the dream. The issue takes us to the heart of the challenges of communication.

Why people think they see ghosts

Adults Spirituality
Even though there is no scientific evidence that ghosts exist, you may not be crazy if you see one.

Kid Yoga Teacher | Tabay Atkins // 60 Second Docs

Adults Spirituality
11-year-old Tabay Atkins is America's youngest yoga teacher, and his purpose is giving back. After his mother beat cancer when he was just 6, Tabay picked up yoga, realizing the practice that helped his mom heal could make a difference for others. Once he completed a 200-hour teacher training, Tabay began teaching three free classes (donations appreciated) every week. Now, students of all ages flock to his studio to honor the divine spirit in him -- and themselves.

What happens when you bring meditation to public schools

Adults Spirituality
Classrooms all over the country are trying something new: sitting and breathing.

The myth behind the Chinese zodiac - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen

Adults Spirituality
What's your sign? In Western astrology, it's a constellation determined by when your birthday falls in the calendar. But according to the Chinese zodiac, it's your shuxiang, meaning the animal assigned to your birth year.


Adults Spirituality
In folklore, mythology, and modern media such as literary fiction, a ghost (sometimes known as a spectre [British English] or specter [American English], phantom, apparition, spirit, spook, or haunt) is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living.

The Scientific Power of Meditation

Adults Spirituality
How exactly does meditation affect your body?

The hidden meanings of yin and yang

Adults Spirituality
The ubiquitous yin-yang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, a Chinese religion and philosophy. The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave; the yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growth. John Bellaimey explains why we all contain the spirit of yin and of yang -- and how we can achieve a balance of both in our lives.

Is Santa Real?

Adults Spirituality
Happy Holidays! Ever wonder how Santa could possibly manage to deliver all those presents in a single night? Or what gives red-nosed reindeer the ability to fly? And why do your Christmas lights get tangled in knots no matter how carefully you put the away?!

Dan Harris: Hack Your Brain's Default Mode with Meditation

Adults Spirituality
Dan Harris explains the neuroscience behind meditation, but reminds us that the ancient practice isn't magic and likely won't send one floating into the cosmic ooze. He predicts that the exercise will soon become regularly scheduled maintenance, as commonplace as brushing your teeth or eating your veggies. Harris, an ABC News correspondent, was turned on to mediation after a live, on-air panic attack. His latest book is 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A