
Dead stuff: The secret ingredient in our food chain

When you picture the lowest levels of the food chain, you might imagine herbivores happily munching on lush, living green plants. But this idyllic image leaves out a huge (and slightly less appetizing) source of nourishment: dead stuff. John C. Moore details the "brown food chain," explaining how such unlikely delicacies as pond scum and animal poop contribute enormous amounts of energy to our ecosystems.

Two Dogs Share An Ice Cream, And This Is Why Daisy Always Goes First

Cooper and Daisy go through the drive up window at Mcdonalds

Get Every Last Bit Out Of Bottles Of Lotion, Mayo, And Even Glue

Watch never-before-seen videos of an MIT-developed lubricant called LiquiGlide that makes anything--syrup, ketchup, paint--slide right out of the bottle so you don't waste a drop. The applications start in the kitchen, but they extend into almost every industry. More Videos

Should we eat bugs?

What's tasty, abundant and high in protein? Bugs! Although less common outside the tropics, entomophagy, the practice of eating bugs, was once extremely widespread throughout cultures. You may feel icky about munching on insects, but they feed about 2 billion people each day (Mmm, fried tarantulas).

3D Printed Pasta & Chocolate

3D printing technology is moving into the kitchen. A prototype device developed by Natural Machines allows different types of food to be printed in 3D including chocolate and pasta.

Cut onion without crying

Jack Scalfani shows you the secret to cutting an onion without crying.

How To Peel A Banana Like A Monkey

I'm posting this video in the hopes that it will help other people discover the joys of peeling a banana. I had never known about this method before a friend showed me.

Fresh vs Frozen Food

AsapSCIENCE crowns a champion in the battle between fresh food and frozen food.

How I draw an empty potato chips bag

This took 4 hours and 36 minutes. You wont believe your eyes.

Watermelon smoothie hack in 2 minutes- No mess

Here is a simple trick to make you the boss of the picnic. Create a refreshing watermelon smoothie with essentially no mess in 2 minutes.

How It's Made - Hot Dogs

The show is presented on the Science Channel in the US, Discovery Channel Canada in Canada, and on the Discovery Channel in the United Kingdom.

This Is 200 Calories

From Broccoli to Big Macs - All of your favourite foods, shown as 200 calories!

How to Make Mayonnaise - Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay shows how to make mayonnaise. His great recipe filmed for the Cookalong Live programme.

The World's First Cloud Texting Enabled Raspberry Pi Powered Espresso Machine

AdultsCreativityFoodSoftware Engineering...
This is a video featuring the first ever Raspberry Pi powered espresso machine.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield and Chef Traci Des Jardins Make a Space Burrito

Keeping in mind the challenge of mixing food ingredients in micro-gravity, chef Traci Des Jardins concocts a recipe for spicing up astronaut Chris Hadfield's meals on board the International Space Station. Commander Hadfield also shares with Jamie and Adam the foods he misses most after spending six months in space.

Coca-Cola Small World Machines - Bringing India & Pakistan Together

In March 2013, Coca-Cola set out to break down barriers and create a simple moment of connection between two nations -- India and Pakistan. The initiative "Small World Machines" provided a live communications portal between people in India and Pakistan and showed that what unites us is stronger than what sets us apart. The key to engaging with each other through the machines was simple: people in India and Pakistan could complete a task, like touching hands, drawing peace, love, and happiness symbols -- together.

Ron Finley A guerrilla gardener in South Central LA

AdultsEnvironmentGlobal WarmingFood
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."

Invisible drive through

AdultsFoodHumorInternet Culture...
Guy makes it seem there is no one in the driver seat of his car as he goes through a drive through.

Baby eats lemon

Baby eats lemon. It was a love/hate relationship.