The Most Powerful Computers You've Never Heard Of
AdultsHistoryScienceTechnologyAnalog computers were the most powerful computers for thousands of years, relegated to obscurity by the digital revolution.
What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol
AdultsBiologyHealthHuman...Drinking alcohol is one of the most popular things to do across the globe. Some people spend their entire weekends sitting at the bar, but consuming alcohol on a daily or weekly basis can have extremely negative effects on the body.
What Holds a Country Together or Tears it Apart? Crash Course Geography #36
AdultsHistoryHumanPolitics...Today we’re going to talk about the forces that affect a country’s stability. We’ll take a closer look at Costa Rica, Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil and examine how the cohesiveness of these Latin American countries varies dramatically even though they are in a region with similar characteristics.
How Different Cultures Celebrate The New Year
YouthSpaceCultureSocietyMost people follow the Gregorian calendar, which has 365 days, or 12 months in the year. So January 1st ends up being the most commonly celebrated New Year. But, depending on who you speak with, the New Year reaches far beyond January 1st.
The History And Future Of Everything
YouthHistoryTechnologyScience...Time makes sense in small pieces
Can you solve the human cannonball riddle? - Alex Rosenthal
AdultsHistoryHumanPsychology...They call you the human cannonball. Your act involves flying through rings of fire, bouncing through a trampoline course, and catching the trapezist in the grand finale.