
The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made

As the official airline of Middle-earth, Air New Zealand has gone all out to celebrate the third and final film in The Hobbit Trilogy - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Starring Elijah Wood and Sir Peter Jackson; we're thrilled to unveil The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made.


Devin Supertramp pulls off flips that would impress all kids on the playground.

SPARKED: A Live Interaction Between Humans and Quadcopters

This video by Cirque du Soleil using choreographed drones is simply magical and stunning.

GoPro: Waltz On The Walls Of City Hall

Dancers Amelia Rudolph and Roel Seeber take vertical choreography to new heights.

A Guy Puts Clips Of Amateur Musicians On YouTube Together To Make A Song

AdultsCreativityInternet CultureMusic
This is so hip that even the people in the band haven't heard of the band.

It's Payback Time

Channel 4's 'killer night of fundraising' Stand Up To Cancer is set to return with this incredible advertising campaign.

Slick Food Ad

Who else is getting hungry right now?

How to Peel a Kiwi or Mango

This is so simple but handy! Brilliant!

Amazing Way to Test Batteries

Here is a simple and quick way to test any alkaline battery without tools

Artist Pays Tribute To Robin Williams With This Amazing Portrait

Prismacolor colored pencil drawing - In memory of Robin Williams.

This Man Takes A Tree Trunk And Turns It Into Something Really Awesome

This man re-uses wood that has been cut down and turns it into a beautiful lampshade.

Zorb Soccer

It feels so great to slam your friends at top speed in a giant bubble during a Zorb Soccer match.

Pen Beats

This is for Dominique and J'mel and my amazing brother Daniel. Produced by my talented friend Naoki Hisamoto, and performed by me and Kevin as always.

6 Fruits You're Eating Wrong

You'll never look at watermelons the same again!

Watch This 'Simpsons' Lego Set Assemble Itself

"The Simpsons" is not one of the most iconic Lego themes, but this time-lapse is mesmerizing.

She Takes A Photo Every Day For 6.5 Years

I'm Rebecca Brown, born 4th December 1992. Start: Sep 12 2007, 5395 days old Last photo here: March 12 2014, 7769 days old. I intend to do the project for as long as I can, it's still going

Best goals World Cup 2014 flipbook

The World Cup in Brazil was nothing short of a fantastic! Therefore we recreated the three greatest goals of the tournament as a flipbook.

This Amazing Video Takes You Through The City Of Barcelona In 2 Minutes

YouTuber Robert Whitworth pulls off his incredible "Flow Motion" technique and spent 363 hours to create this 2-minute clip. It totally worths it.

The Making of "29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song"

"29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song" was created with the help of eleven impressionists and one trumpet player, all exceedingly talented. I hope it was fun to watch, and that you enjoyed my song "Perfect."

Michael Bay - What is Bayhem?

AdultsCreativityFilmVisual Design...
There are filmmakers we love and then there's Michael Bay. Even if you dislike him (as I do), Bay has something valuable to teach us about visual perception.

29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song

If you close your eyes, you'll actually believe Gwen Stefani, Willie Nelson, Cher, Shakira, and Peter Griffin did a song together.