Why Electroshock Therapy Is Back
AdultsHealthMental HealthTechnology...Shocking the brain has come and gone as a medical treatment, but it's currently resurging, as it often provides the best form of relief for severe depression and advanced Parkinson's disease.
The Girl Who's Allergic To Everything | Living Differently
AdultsDisabilityHealthLife...British Championship disability gymnast, Natasha Coates, 22, is allergic to everything. She has won 19 British titles and placed first in the British Disability Championships.
It's not you. Commuting is bad for your health.
AdultsHealthTransportationWork...My commute is like a second job, and it might be killing me.
How does your immune system work? - Emma Bryce
AdultsBiologyHealthScienceThe immune system is a vast network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate your body's defenses against any threats to your health. Without it, you'd be exposed to billions of bacteria, viruses, and toxins that could make something as minor as a paper cut or a seasonal cold fatal. So how does it work? Emma Bryce takes you inside the body to find out.
The Milk-Industrial Complex: Why You Don't Need to Drink Milk
AdultsFoodHealthIndustryReaders of Aaron's blog know of his beef with the milk industrial complex. Why does milk, of all beverages, get a pass in our efforts to reduce everyone's caloric intake? Why is it encouraged, when all others are shunned? Is it because you need the calcium? Is it because it makes your bones stronger? Watch, and learn why the milk emperor has no clothes.
Should You Let A Dog Lick Your Face?
AdultsHealthHumanPetsCanine and human mouths are bacterial ecosystems, but can they harm one another? "Sometimes, the oral contact between dogs and their owners can be more extensive than that between parent and child. Dogs kiss and lick their owners to express amiable emotions. This raises the possibility of transferring bacteria from the oral microbiome of dogs to their human owners."
What Is It Like To Be Deaf?
AdultsDisabilityHealthSocietyDeafness is not a one size fits all, but what are some things Deaf people might experience?
How does your body know you're full? - Hilary Coller
AdultsHumanNeuroscienceHealth...Hunger claws at your belly. It tugs at your intestines, which begin to writhe, aching to be fed. Being hungry generates a powerful and often unpleasant physical sensation that's almost impossible to ignore. After you've reacted by gorging on your morning pancakes, you start to experience an opposing force: fullness. But how does your body actually know when you're full? Hilary Coller explains.
How Emotionally Healthy Are You?
AdultsHealthMental Health"One way to start assessing how badly we have been knocked by our early years - and where we might therefore need to direct most of our repair work and attention - is to identify a range of markers of emotional health and imagine how we fare in relation to them. At least four central ones suggest themselves..."
Why do you need to get a flu shot every year? - Melvin Sanicas
AdultsHealthScienceAll year long, researchers at hospitals around the world collect samples from flu patients and send them to top virology experts with one goal: to design the vaccine for the next flu season. But why do we need a new one every year? Vaccines for diseases like mumps and polio offer a lifetime of protection with two shots early in life; what's so special about the flu? Melvin Sanicas explains.
Should You Eat Every Day?
AdultsFoodHealthPhilosophyAn intermittent fasting diet is one of the hippest new nutrition and fitness philosophies, based around the idea that going hungry can be good for your health.