
Aparna Rao: High-tech art (with a sense of humor)

Adults Humor
Artist and TED Fellow Aparna Rao re-imagines the familiar in surprising, often humorous ways. With her collaborator Soren Pors, Rao creates high-tech art installations -- a typewriter that sends emails, a camera that tracks you through the room only to make you invisible on screen -- that put a playful spin on ordinary objects and interactions.

Halloween Scare/Prank! Head Drop Illusion

Adults Humor
Magician Rich Ferguson doing a Halloween head drop trick on the streets of his home town San Luis Obispo. During the day, this is a great illusion, but during night and in a more vulnerable setting, this freaks people out BIG TIME!

Baby eats lemon

Adults Humor
Baby eats lemon. It was a love/hate relationship.