
A Tale of Two Salts - Difference Between Table Salt & Kosher Salt

Learn the Difference Between Table Salt and Kosher Salt in Recipes!

Crunchy And Delicious Homemade Onion Rings

Crunchy rings for the Spring! If you want more of Tasty.

How To Survive The First Hour Of A Nuclear Blast

The situation has played out in TV and movies for years, but what should you really do if a nuke detonated near you?

Primitive Technology: Fired Clay Bricks

Creating fired clay bricks from scratch.

Hummingbird in a Rain Storm | Hostile Planet

In the cloud forest a booted racket-tail braves a rain storm to find enough food to survive.

We need to relearn how to play nice in peer review

TeachersEducationMental HealthTeacher Cafe...
Most educators obsess about the quality of their work and are afraid, at best, to disappoint their department and mentors, and at worst, to have their name blacklisted among the community.

What Happens If Your Stomach Gets Removed?

Can you survive without a stomach? What happens when your stomach is gone?

Cowboy Chilli Con Carne

This cowboy style chilli con carne is definitely worth trying! With a nod to my cowboy friends its cooked with beef brisket and coffee!

Magnetic Micro-Robots

Tiny robots activated by magnetic fields may be used in future biomedical procedures.

The wild world of carnivorous plants

Venus fly traps, bladderworts and sundews, oh my! Learn about carnivorous plants and their predatory antics to lure, trap and digest prey.

Sausage Pasta

This my friends, is Italian pasta cooking at it’s best! A few simple main ingredients including; sausages, cima di rapa, garlic and chilli.

How Spiders Use Electricity to Fly | Decoder

Can spiders fly? When you think of the greatest aviators in the natural world, you probably think of the usual winged suspects like birds, bees, and butterflies. But some of the earth's eight-legged creatures also have specialized ways of soaring through the skies—no wings necessary.

How Do White Walkers Shatter Swords?

For Game of Thrones fans winter is finally here, and with it comes the long foreshadowed White Walkers. These foes have proven to be a dangerous threat for many reasons, but one of the biggest is their seeming imperviousness to the average weapons of the Seven Kingdoms.

How to biohack your cells to fight cancer

Check out the science of biohacking, where biologists go into a patient’s genetic code and reprogram their immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells.

Why Is Lyme Disease Getting Worse?

Lyme disease is spreading like wildfire around the world.

People are Manipulating You on Facebook

Thank you Facebook for being so open to this discussion.

The Most Dangerous Stuff in the Universe

Inside neutron stars we can find the weirdest and most dangerous substance in the universe: Strange matter. What is strange matter, how dangerous is it and what can it tell us about the origin of the universe?

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder is real. What happens when you have it?

Under the Dark Skies

National Geographic partnered with the International Dark-Sky Association to provide families with a true ‘dark sky’ observatory experience, free from the artificial light prevalent in city and suburban communities.

7 Mouthwatering Spicy Chicken Recipes

7 spicy chicken recipes that'll make your tastebuds POP!

Amphibians Face Mass Extinction as Fungus Spreads Across the World

Results from a recent global survey of amphibians shows that chytrid fungus has threatened twice as many species than previously thought.