
Where Can We Find Water?

Today, Jessi and Squeaks learn about all the places we can find water.

Tsunami: Race Against Time (Full Episode) | The Big One | National Geographic

A massive earthquake off the Indonesian coast generates a huge tsunami. It makes landfall within minutes. Caught unaware, people fight to survive.

The Big Cat With The Coolest Claws

How many claws do cats have? What are claws made of? This is the show that pits the ultimate big cats against one another, in a ferocious battle of skills.

The Tongass National Forest

As Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell traverse over 2,000 miles to reach the Devils Thumb, their last stop is the Tongass National Forest—one of the most biodiverse places in North America.

Primitive Technology: Tile Capped Mud Walls

I built Mud walls and capped them with roof tiles to protect them from rain. Mud walls if left uncovered in wet weather will dissolve in the rain and collapse.

Bears Caught Getting a Midnight Snack in Night Vision | BBC Earth

Usually solitary animals, these brown bears have been found congregating and tolerating each other for just one reason: to eat rubbish.

How Metamorphic Rocks Are Like Butterflies

After learning about igneous and sedimentary rocks, Savannah and Sam learn about the final main kind of rock: metamorphic rocks.

Red-Crowned Cranes

These beautiful birds are icons in Japan, and it is believed they bring luck and even love.

Why Do Butterflies Bother Being Caterpillars?

It seems wild that some animals basically trade in their bodies for new ones during their lifetime, but it's actually really common – and it makes a lot of sense.

Protecting Our Oceans With Auli'i Cravalho | Nat Geo Pristine Seas

Join @auliicravalho, the voice of #Moana, in conversation with @natgeopristineseas specialist Courtney Lorey about all things oceans, including Moana’s new adventure and why we need to protect this natural wonder.

Unlikely Friendship: Gilbert & Coco

Meet Gilbert, the potbellied pig, and Miss Coco, the Polish Hen, who have formed an incredible bond at Wilmslow Animal Sanctuary in Cheshire.

Releasing Aurora The Turtle

After spending time in care at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital it is time for Aurora to head back to the wild.

The Dirt On Decomposers

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about how everything starts... and ends. Decomposers!

A Cute But Creepy Tiny Predator

Despite their tiny size, tarsiers are excellent nocturnal hunters. With large eyes that enable them to see well in the dark and advanced hearing combined with huge hands, catching prey is almost too easy.

Caterpillar Butterfly Thing

Jam along with Jules as she sings about the journey from caterpillar to butterfly.

The Many Layers Of Sedimentary Rocks

Jessi and Sam learn about sedimentary rocks and show how you can use vinegar to identify a piece of limestone.

Can Young Cheetahs Hunt These Antelope? | Animals With Cameras | BBC Earth

A herd of gemsbok are a dangerous target for young cheetahs, but that doesn't stop this boisterous group from trying to hunt them. As the hunt plays out the tables quickly turn, and the large male gemsbok charges to protect his herd...

Are there any places on Earth with no bugs? - Charles Wallace

Travel to some of the most extreme environments on Earth and see how insects are able to employ their skills to survive.

Which Is The World's Deadliest Cat?

This is the show that pits the ultimate big cats against one another, in a ferocious battle of skills.

What Happens When Predators Disappear?

A world without predators. It sounds like a safer, happier world, but come on, this is SCIENCE…

Igneous Rocks Used To Be Liquid!

A new friend Savannah and Sam learn about different kinds of igneous rocks, which form after liquid magma or lava cools into solid rock.