
Why do animals have such different lifespans? - Joao Pedro de Magalhaes

Adults Animals
For the microscopic lab worm C. elegans, life equates to just a few short weeks on Earth. The bowhead whale, on the other hand, can live over two hundred years. Why are these lifespans so different? And what does it really mean to 'age' anyway? Joao Pedro de Magalhaes explains why the pace of aging varies greatly across animals.

The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky

Adults Animals
All mammals share certain characteristics, like warm blood and backbones. But despite their similarities, these creatures also have many biological differences - and one of the most remarkable differences is how they give birth. Kate Slabosky details the placental, marsupial, and monotreme methods of giving birth.

Why peregrine falcons are the fastest animals on earth

Adults Animals
Cheetahs are fast, but not faster than a diving peregrine falcon.

The World's Deadliest Venom Could Save Your Life

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Some animals produce venom that is lethal to both their prey and to humans, but scientists are finding ways to use these compounds as medicine.

Why wild African elephants get by with hardly any sleep

Adults Animals
Scientists tracked elephants with devices like Fitbits, and discovered African elephants in the wild sleep far less than anyone expected. It proves there's a huge gap in what we know about how and why animals sleep.

Meet the designer cats with wild blood

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Bengals, Savannahs, and Toygers, explained.

How wildlife films warp time

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Slow motion and timelapse can reveal the wonders of the natural world.

The Flow Hive allows beekeepers to access honey without taking bees out of their hive.

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The Flow Hive allows beekeepers to access honey without taking bees out of their hive.

Why Can't Chimpanzees Speak?

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Chimpanzees are very smart animals, so why can't they speak? Tara is here to explain how a gene mutation allows humans to speak, but not chimps.

What Magnetizing Cockroaches Can Teach Us About Navigation

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A new study has found cockroaches can sense the Earth's magnetic field, an ability called magnetoreception. Could humans have this sense, too?

Proof of evolution that you can find on your body

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You have your mom's smile, your dad's eyes, and the ear muscles of a Triassic mammal.

Shredding Bacteria With Technology From Insect Wings

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Dragonfly wings are covered in bacteria-killing nanopillars, and scientists are taking inspiration from them to make smarter anti-bacterial surfaces!

Your Dog Forgets You When You Leave

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When you leave the house, does your dog or cat even remember you?

What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food?

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Have you ever wondered what a fly is doing when it lands on your food? Laci did some research to figure out just what happens.

Watch Dory, don't buy her

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The release of Pixar's Finding Dory could spell trouble for the blue tang, a species of tropical fish that the character Dory is based on.

7 Pets You Should Never Release In The Wild

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Sometimes, people release their exotic pets into the wild. Why can this cause such a huge problem?

Scientists just captured stunning images of deep sea creatures

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Some sea creatures are so new to us, they don't even have names.

How Should We Define Intelligent Life?

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We've been searching for intelligent life in the universe for decades, but have we been doing it all wrong?

How do animals experience pain?

Adults Animals
Humans know the surprising prick of a needle, the searing pain of a stubbed toe, and the throbbing of a toothache. We can identify many types of pain and have multiple ways of treating it - but what about other species?

This Terrifying Worm Snatches Fish from the Ocean Floor

Adults Animals
Sand strikers, also known as bobbit worms, are primitive-looking creatures that lack eyes, or even a brain. Despite this, they are savage predators who shoot out grapple-like hooks to reel in passing fish.

Pigeon Story: How the Rock Dove Became the Sky Rat

Adults Animals
How the pigeon became known as the sky rat.