
Mousetrap Chain Reaction in Slow Motion

AdultsFilmInternet CultureExperiments...
Gav sets up a chain of 150 mousetraps. Dan sets them off bravely.

Anti-Gravity Wheel?

AdultsInternet CulturePhysicsExperiments...
In this video I attempt to lift a 19kg (42 lbs) wheel over my head one-handed while it's spinning at a few thousand RPM. This replicates an earlier experiment by Professor Eric Laithwaite. He claimed the wheel was 'light as a feather' and could not be explained by Newton's Laws. I wanted to find out for myself what I really felt like.

When Water Flows Uphill

In the Leidenfrost Effect, a water droplet will float on a layer of its own vapor if heated to certain temperature. This common cooking phenomenon takes center stage in a series of playful experiments by physicists at the University of Bath, who discovered new and fun means to manipulate the movement of water.

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment

The effect that you are seeing can't be seen with the naked eye. The effect only works through the camera. However, there is a version of the project you can do where the effect would be visible with the naked eye.

Coke Can Getting Swallowed By Lava

This is what happens when a coke can meets some flowing lava.

Golf ball hitting a steel plate at 150mph in 70,000 fps

At high enough speeds, solids aren't actually that solid. The force of an impact can create waves in hard objects that are as big as the objects themselves... thus making a golf ball look like jelly.

Incredible Chemical Reaction!

This is a classic chemical reaction. It's called the iodine clock reaction. There are several variations of how this chemical reaction can be performed using different chemicals than the ones I used in the video. You can order clock reaction kits from several science related websites. You can also use simple store bought chemicals like vitamin C, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and starch. A quick internet search will turn up multiple ways of performing the experiment.

How Old Are Your Ears?

How high can you hear? Take this 'test' to see how old your ears are!

Amazing Resonance Experiment!

So this experiment is the Chladni plate experiment. I used a tone generator, a wave driver (speaker) and a metal plate attached to the speaker. First add sand to the plate then begin playing a tone. Certain frequencies vibrate the metal plate in such a way that it creates areas where there is no vibration. The sand "falls" into those areas, creating beautiful geometric patterns. As the frequency increases in pitch the patterns become more complex.