You Are Not What You Earn
AdultsPersonal FinanceSocietyWork...The modern world firmly equates how much we earn with how good, noble, wise and worthy of honour we are. This is a brutal misunderstanding of how salaries are determined. We need to operate with a far more nuanced view of what the money we earn says about us.
These College Students Built a Hyperloop Pod... Here's What Happened
AdultsEducationTechnologyWork...College can be stressful with all the classes, exams and social events to balance. Now, imagine doing all that while building a Hyperloop pod that will be judged by Elon Musk... no pressure. A scrappy group of students from Wisconsin boldly took on that challenge, and they learned that no matter how many all-nighters you pull, there's always more work to be done.
How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene
AdultsNeuroscienceProductivityWork...Mastering any physical skill takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. But what does practice actually do to make us better at things? Annie Bosler and Don Greene explain how practice affects the inner workings of our brains.
How to spot a misleading graph - Lea Gaslowitz
AdultsVisual DesignWorkData Science...When they're used well, graphs can help us intuitively grasp complex data. But as visual software has enabled more usage of graphs throughout all media, it has also made them easier to use in a careless or dishonest way - and as it turns out, there are plenty of ways graphs can mislead and outright manipulate. Lea Gaslowitz shares some things to look out for.
Why there are twice as many solar jobs as coal jobs
AdultsGlobal WarmingTechnologyWork...America is changing how it gets its energy, and coal is losing out.
Why don't perpetual motion machines ever work? - Netta Schramm
AdultsScienceTechnologyWork...Perpetual motion machines - devices that can do work indefinitely without any external energy source - have captured many inventors' imaginations because they could totally transform our relationship with energy. There's just one problem: they don't work. Why not? Netta Schramm describes the pitfalls of perpetual motion machines.
Bill Gates: the robot that takes your job should pay taxes
AdultsEconomyTechnologyWork...In an interview with Quartz editor-in-chief Kevin Delaney, Bill Gates explains why robots that take jobs away from people shouldn't get a free pass when it comes to income tax.
Science Finally Says We Should Never Work 40 Hours A Week
AdultsMental HealthWorkHealthResearchers have found that working long hours could be putting your mental and physical health at serious risk.
How Do Lie Detectors Work?
AdultsPsychologyWorkScienceCan you tell whether or not someone is lying? Greg Foot explains whether or not lie detectors actually work.
Henry Cavill Asks Kids: Batman or Superman?
AdultsFilmWorkLGBTQIA...Henry Cavill asks kids: Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman? Watch these super-fans-in-training give Superman their (brutally) honest answers, then enter to hang with Henry, Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg at the premiere of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
The benefits of good posture
AdultsHealthHumanWorkHas anyone ever told you, "Stand up straight!" or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying-but they're not wrong. Your posture is the foundation for every movement your body makes and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. Murat Dalkilinç gives the pros of good posture.
Why do competitors open their stores next to one another?
AdultsBusinessWorkEconomy...Why are all the gas stations, cafes and restaurants in one crowded spot? As two competitive cousins vie for ice-cream-selling domination on one small beach, discover how game theory and the Nash Equilibrium inform these retail hotspots.