How The Most Useless Branch of Math Could Save Your Life
AdultsEducationMathScience There is an entire branch of math simply devoted to knots
Financial Literacy For Kids: Making A Budget
YouthHow-toMathEducationPersonal Finance... Financial Literacy for Kids—Making a Budget explains how to create a budget based on your income and expenses.
Numbers They Don't Teach You In School
AdultsEducationMathNatureScience... There's a strange number system, featured in the work of a dozen Fields Medalists, that helps solve problems that are intractable with real numbers.
Financial Literacy For Kids: Introduction
YouthHow-toMathEducationFinance... Financial Literacy for Kids provides the basics about needs versus wants, budgeting, credit versus debit, and more.
This one weird trick will get you infinite gold - Dan Finkel
AdultsHistoryMathPsychologyHumorGaming... A few years ago, the king decided your life would be forfeit unless you tripled the gold coins in his treasury.
The Geometry Of Life
YouthFunMathNatureScience... Tiling patterns can be found thoughout the natural world - from honeycomb to fish scales.
The Biggest Project in Modern Mathematics
YouthMathScience Robert Langlands outlined striking conjectures that predicted a correspondence between two objects from completely different fields of math.
The Riddle That Seems Impossible Even If You Know The Answer
AdultsEducationMathScienceProblem-Solving... The 100 Prisoners Riddle feels completely impossible even once you know the answer. This video is sponsored by Brilliant.
Doodle Music
YouthFunMathMusicArt... A visual and musical expression of mathematical symmetry groups.
Combinations of 52 cards (52 factorial)
AdultsMathPsychologyScience Whenever you shuffle a deck of 52 cards, it is quite likely that you are achieving something never done before in history. The number of combinations is 52 factorial.