
Word Crimes

AdultsInternet CultureLanguageMusic...
Music video by "Weird Al" Yankovic performing Word Crimes.

Chevy the cat says you may not pass...

Bo the Golden Retriever is scared to walk past Chevy the Cat, so Fenway the German Shepherd and their little master come to the rescue.

Bruce Lee- Ping Pong

To promote a cell phone from Nokia, Bruce Lee was sponsored by Nokia in a Ping Pong tournament. But as a twist, he plays with his nunchucks.

Street Football Legend Dresses Up As Old Man And Shocks Everyone At The Park

Street football legend Sean Garnier has an old man make up and shows off his insane skills.

Action Movie Kid Goes To School

AdultsCreativityFilmVisual Design...
He gets there way faster than the school bus, but with admittedly worse hair.

This Bird Can Speak Japanese Better Than You

I can't help but feel there's actually a tiny Japanese woman trapped inside that myna bird.

Action Movie Kid - Volume 01

AdultsCreativityFilmVisual Design...
As requested, here are all of Action Movie Kid's adventures thus far in one simple video. More volumes to come. Remember to subscribe to always see his latest adventures.

Frog Frenchie

French Bulldog Puppy Argues Bedtime

Magic for Dogs

Do dogs react to magic? Watch as magician & mentalist Jose Ahonen vanished some dog treats under their noses. By the way, all the dogs got treats before and after the trick.

Dance Walking Fitness Ben Aaron.

AdultsInternet CultureMusicHumor...
Hysterically funny man Ben Aaron shows us the new craze he has developed he calls... "Dance Walking Fitness"

How to destroy the celebration with a trumpet

A dude sees a marching band outside of his window, and decides to have a little prank.

Superman With a GoPro

AdultsHumorInternet CultureCreativity...
Fly with Superman featuring GoPro.

Some Videos Are Definitely Better When You Change The Music

AdultsHumorInternet CultureMusic...
We came across the clip of these kids dancing and thought it would be funny with some Irish music...and it was.

Husky Says No to Kennel

Talking 11 month old husky, 'Blaze' from New Hampshire, prefers his freedom and says "No" to his kennel (with annotations)

Man Accepts A Random Pillow Fight Challenge

While walking down the street carrying two pillows, YouTuber AKSpartanKiiier challenges a random pedestrian to a pillow fight.

Just another day in Middle-earth

Here in Middle-earth, everyday tasks can reveal out of this world surprises and before you know it everything can turn a bit Hobbit-shaped.

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Kid President believes the things we say can help make the world more awesome. Here he shares a special list of 20 things we should say more often. What would you add to it?

Ylvis: Air Horn Classics

Ylvis - Calle presents: Air Horn Classics

Funny waiter aka echo voice man

Outside Madeira Portugal we came across this waiting comedian! This is a part of his routine.

How to Quit a Job

Phil has a very creative way of telling his bosses that he is quitting.

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

"Eat, Pray, Love" Author Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses -- and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.