
Intermediate English with Karim #2

AdultsSmrt LiveWritingLGBTQIA...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Intermediate English with Karim #3

AdultsSmrt LiveWritingLGBTQIA...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

Intermediate English with Karim #1

AdultsSmrt LiveWritingLGBTQIA...
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

The 4 Properties of Powerful Teachers

TeachersSelfTeacher CafeWriting...
A quick read of the properties that combines make a powerful teacher. A mix of personality, planning, passion, and presence all form the basis of excellence in teaching.

Chasing The Definition Of An Academic Argument

TeachersTeacher CafeWritingLGBTQIA...
The importance of argument in college and careers is stated by Joseph M. Williams and Lawerence McEnerney as defining argument not as, "wrangling" but as "a serious and focused conversation among people who are intensely interested in getting at the bottom of things cooperatively".

8 Living Artists Every Educator Should Know

TeachersArtTeacher CafeWriting...
Here are a few living artists to get you started at looking at the connections that can be made between the subjects and the themes that you might be addressing with your students.

How to Make Learning Effective

TeachersNeuroscienceTeacher CafeWriting...
With the background on the principles and fundamentals of learning, along with the neuroscience behind it, you can get the most out of your students during class time with them.

TED-Ed Talks Recommended by Students for Students

TeachersTeacher CafeWritingLGBTQIA...
All videos listed are those chosen by students for students from the TED-Ed global community. Did your favourites make the list?

Recording Feedback with Screencastify

TeachersTeacher CafeTechnologyWriting...
If you have never thought of using a video for sharing feedback, it is now time to start. Screen casting as you provide comments and feedback. Capture your entire desktop with Screencastify.

Literature's Emotional Lessons

TeachersBooksTeacher CafeWriting...
Grappling with the way books make students feel- not just analytical skills- should be part of the English curriculum.

12 Common Reasons Students Don't Read & What You Can Do About It

TeachersReadingTeacher CafeWriting...
Why don't students read more? There are many reasons, and it also depends on the individual student. Gathered here are some of the most common reasons students do not read and some ways to begin to address the issue.

Reading Comprehension Strategies For ELL

TeachersTeacher CafeReadingWriting...
Comprehension is the goal of, but it can be the most difficult reading skill to master, especially for ELL's. Here are some tips to make sure your strategies areas effective as possible for the learners.

Sexism in the English Language

TeachersLGBTQIASexualityTeacher Cafe...
Interesting research done into the history of genders in English and vocabulary used to describe them.

Project Based Learning

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationWriting...
Project Based Learning (PBL) prepares students for academic success, personal, and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their world and the world they will inherit.

Lessons From a Teacher of the Year

TeachersFamilyTeacher CafeWriting...
As 2018 Georgia Teacher of the Year, John Tibbetts explains sometimes teachers learn from students in unexpected ways and amazing ways. He tells the story of a struggling students who confesses that she was the first person in her family to graduate from high school.

Perfect Resource For Poetry

The Poem Foundation isa website full of poetry, prose, and poets. A showcase of poems for children teens, as well as guides and collections for all. This website also has audio versions and even a poem of the day.

The Big List Of Class Discussions

TeachersTeacher CafeListeningSpeaking...
15 formats of structuring a class discussion to make it more engaging, more organized, more equitable, and more academically challenging. If you have struggled to find effective ways to develop students' speaking and listening skills, this is your lucky day.

Optimizing Google Classroom For The Way You Work

TeachersEducationTeacher CafeTechnology...
As education evolves, so do the needs of students and teachers. Google Classroom has updated Classroom to give teachers more control over how they organize everything.

Astronauts Read Popular Kids Books From Space

TeachersReadingSpaceTeacher Cafe...
Take story time up a notch with your students and kids with this great experience of astronauts reading popular kids books from space.

Is Micro-learning The Solution You Need?

TeachersEducationTeacher CafeWriting...
Is bite-sized learning for you? The learning strategy is largely known for quickly closing skill and knowledge gaps. It seems to be an ideal approach for many. What is Micro-learning?

5 Myths About Teaching in a Virtual Classroom

TeachersEducationTeacher CafeTechnology...
With every new method of teaching comes new issues and in turn solutions to those issues. Here are five myths of teaching in a virtual classroom all of which bring new ideas and approaches to learning.