Limb-Centric Choreography
YouthSpaceDanceDisabilityArt... As part of the farewell ceremony for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games, Sadeck Waff choreographed a beautiful, precise geometric, synchronised work with 128 performers seated in wheelchairs.
Lucy's Journey
YouthSpaceScience Meet Lucy as she prepares for the first ever journey to the Trojan asteroids, a population of primitive small bodies orbiting in tandem with Jupiter.
How Different Cultures Celebrate The New Year
YouthSpaceCultureSociety Most people follow the Gregorian calendar, which has 365 days, or 12 months in the year. So January 1st ends up being the most commonly celebrated New Year. But, depending on who you speak with, the New Year reaches far beyond January 1st.
The Creation Of The Universe | Universe | BBC Earth
AdultsHistoryScienceSpace This is the story of creation, as told by science.
What Is Day Of The Dead?
YouthSpaceCultureReligion Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of life and death.
Asian-American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month
YouthSpaceCultureSociety Celebrate Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with BrainPOP News
YouthSpaceCultureFamily There are lots of different festivals and celebrations around the world that bring families and communities together.
How We Are Going To The Moon
YouthSpaceScienceFuture While Apollo placed the first steps on the Moon, Artemis opens the door for humanity to sustainably work and live on another world for the first time.
What are gravitational waves? - Amber L. Stuver
AdultsPhysicsScienceSpace In September 2015, scientists witnessed something never seen before: two black holes colliding. Both about 30 times as big as our Sun, they had been orbiting each other for millions of years. A fraction of a second before the crash, they sent a vibration across the universe at the speed of light that was picked up by the LIGO detector. So what are these ripples in space? Amber L. Stuver explains.
Earth's mysterious red glow, explained - Zoe Pierrat
AdultsEducationScienceSpaceNatureBiology... Explore the phenomenon and uses of chlorophyll fluorescence, a small amount of light emitted by plants during photosynthesis.
How Distant Galaxies Mess With Our Lives
AdultsLifeScienceSpacePhysics... Tiny particles from distant galaxies have caused plane accidents, election interference and game glitches. This video is sponsored by Brilliant.
The Largest Black Hole in the Universe - Size Comparison
AdultsEducationScienceSpace The Black Hole story continues with our Black Hole merch, spanning the whole range from somewhat bonkers to more serious.
The Ultimate Guide to Black Holes
AdultsEducationScienceSpacePhysics... If you want to continue thinking about black holes a tad more, you can do so by getting one of the many black hole related things the Kurzgesagt team made with love:
Why Robots That Bend Are Better
AdultsEducationScienceTechnologySpace... Robots of the future may be softer, squishier and bendier than robots today. This could make them ideal for space exploration. Check out for 50% off your first month of any subscription!
Would Living on the Moon Suck? - Dear Blocko #31
AdultsHumanLifeSpace Animation by Steven Lawson
Written by Michael Sago