
Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap

Adults Technology
I got upset that my package was stolen so I made a glitter bomb revenge package.

Elon Musk and Gayle King test drive his new Boring Company tunnel

Adults Technology
From electric cars to spacecraft, tech titan Elon Musk is widely known as an industry disrupter. Tuesday night in Los Angeles, Musk unveiled the very first tunnel in what he hopes will become a network of underground highways.

Why It Is What Time It Is (The History of Time)

Adults Technology
How did we come up with our system of telling time? Why do we divide the day into 24 hours of 60 minutes each, and put 60 seconds in each minute? Where does the definition of a second come from? And who decides what clock shows the correct time? There's clearly a lot of questions when it comes to time.

Non-Invasive Brain Surgery

Adults Technology
Scientists have combined ultrasound, viruses and synthetic drugs to control regions of the brain.

What are the Effects of Tablets and Smartphones on Babies’ Brains?

Adults Technology
Often we concentrate on showing the negative effective of new technologies on the development of babies, but could tablets, smartphones and other touchscreen devices help improve their motor skills?

How to Build a 4K Editing Computer

Adults Technology
The fast rendering capability of this new machine actually let me eat dinner with my family on the first night I used it. This is incredibly important to me.

Google Apps for English Teachers webinar

Teachers Technology
Lead by Kevin Brookhouser, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and Google Certified Teacher. Learn some more ways you can use Google Docs & Sites in your English classrooms to have a collaborative writing process and dynamic assignments.

Engaging Generation Y with technology, 28th March 2013

Teachers Technology
We're not always teaching Generation Y, but learners think and behave differently than those from previous generations. These students were born into a world of information technology; they regularly multitask and they trust the ideas of peers and web videos more than their teachers.Generation Y is significant: it constitutes 20 percent of the world's population. As Gen-Y occupies the young end of the population demographic, we can assume many second language learners belong to this group; it demands our attention and understanding.

Learn English Apps

Teachers Technology
Check out these excellent apps for your mobile device of choice!

No Internet? No Problem!

Teachers Technology
One problem with integrating most technology is that schools and teachers rely too much on Internet access. We forget that even without the Internet, laptops and mobile devices are very powerful learning tools. Here are a few ideas of the many, I do with students that do not require a class Internet connection.

Social Bookmarking for Educators

Teachers Technology
Social bookmarking can help you save time by accessing your bookmarks from any computer and sharing great professional development resources with your personal learning network. This article provides an intro to social bookmarking and some links to the most useful tools out there for teachers.

Free Ebook: Preparing Teachers to Teach Writing Using Technology

Teachers Technology
"Technology is changing not only how people write, but also how they learn to write." This free ebook discusses necessary changes in pedagogy and introduces approaches and experiences of real teachers teaching writing with technology.

Create Beautiful Timelines

Teachers Technology
Tiki-Toki is a web-based timeline software. Any class can have a timeline. Use these timelines for assignments, class notes or homework. They are easy to make and understand.

Education Needs to Change as Fast as Technology

Teachers Technology
"In fifteen years we will be teaching programming just like reading and writing..... and wondering why we didn't do it sooner". Mark Zuckerbuerg

IT and Education are like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Teachers Technology
The tech and instructional sides of education are distinct and unique, but when they work together, they are an unstoppable combo.

Webinar- Digital Learning Strategies

Teachers Technology
Mike Fisher- July 31, 2014, 3:00pm ET. "How do you assign and assess digital work?"

Flubaroo- A New Add-on in Google Drive

Teachers Technology
Transform your grading using the Add-on tool in Google. Flubaroo takes online assignments and evaluates them. It has the ability to send the results to students with or without answer keys. Learn more about it and do not forget to watch the video!


Teachers Technology
ShowMe is an online learning community where anyone can learn and teach any topic. The iPad app lets you easily create and share video lessons. Get the app now and start learning and teaching. Make sure you try Markup by ShowMe.


Teachers Technology
An online digi-recorder that is probably one of the most user-friendly. Record-Stop- Email. A voice recording website where you record a message and email it to yourself. Try it with your class today.

Chrome Extensions for Teachers, Students and Academics

Teachers Technology
A website with a list and links for 15 user-friendly Google Chrome extensions to make a positive difference in your educational experience online.

Use Technology to Help Students Learn

Teachers Technology
There are a lot of ways technology can help ESL students learn. Here you will discover ways to use technology in your classroom to help students further their language learning.